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The Urban Green Summit in Denver

By Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
The Denver Post

Denver's air may be thin, but at least it's usually breathable. That's not the case everywhere. In much of the country, the air quite literally makes people sick. Hundreds of children suffer asthma attacks each day because of pollution from cars and smokestacks. That is unacceptable — and preventable.

Denver's air may be thin, but at least it's usually breathable.

That's not the case everywhere. In much of the country, the air quite literally makes people sick. Hundreds of children suffer asthma attacks each day because of pollution from cars and smokestacks. That is unacceptable — and preventable.

The underlying problem is that America is addicted to dirty sources of energy. Energy use is the basis of our economy — and will continue to be in the future. The question we need to answer is: what type of energy? Develop cleaner, home-grown sources of energy that can never run out and you have a recipe for more jobs, better health, and a growing economy — especially in the heart of the city.

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