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Summer School: It's over already? What a year!

Posted by Whitney Jones, College Ambassador, Jackson State University at Jul 15, 2011 11:00 AM |

My time as a Green for All College Ambassador has been a mind-blowing experience. It has changed my life and views in more ways than I could have ever imagined. I entered the program with little knowledge or practice, and now I possess a solid understanding of the Green Movement and its importance.

Summer School: It's over already? What a year!

My time as a Green for All College Ambassador has been a mind-blowing experience. It has changed my life and views in more ways than I could have ever imagined. I entered the program with little knowledge or practice, and now I possess a solid understanding of the Green Movement and its importance. My co-ambassador Alicia and I have worked very hard this semester to produce effective campaigns and workshops, implement sustainable campus projects, and inform students like us about what it means to "go green". Along the way we have developed lasting relationships with each other, and with many other allies that have provided help and support to us over the course of our ambassadorship.

Personally, I am extremely grateful to have been granted this opportunity. It has truly been an honor to work with such wonderful, sincere people. I have grown as an individual and have also witnessed growth in Alicia as result of this program. For instance, I have always been very shy and shaky about speaking in front of large crowds. However, due to the series of events that Alicia and I have had to host, I now have much more confidence, and have even found that I'm actually a great public speaker!

Also, prior to becoming an Ambassador, I was timid when meeting new people, but I understand how important it is to build relationships, and I now embrace the idea of networking. I have had the opportunity to travel to places that I've never been to and made new friends: something I know that I would have never experienced otherwise.  And what's more, I have learned the importance of managing my time and how to organize (finally after all these years of school)!

Perhaps most importantly, however, I have learned that you can't get anywhere by being isolated.  There is always someone that has helped you to get where you are today. Green for All is the organization that has given me the knowledge and experience that has helped to shape my character. I have thoroughly enjoyed this program and I'll never forget how it has impacted me in the best of ways. GREEN FOR ALL ROCKS!!!

Whitney C. Jones

Whitney C. Jones is a Senior Entrepreneurship Major from Jackson State University and has received a Bachelor of Business Administration in May, 2011. Upon graduation she will pursue a Masters degree also in Business Administration. She has a thirst for knowledge and finds value in activities that involve learning and growth. She finds personal fulfillment through helping others and opportunities that promote positive change.

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Lesson 1: Welcome Back to School

Lesson 2: What the bleep is the Green Economy?

Lesson 3: Why is Water Important?

Lesson 4: Roots of Success for ALL

Lesson 5: Knowing is not enough


Profile 1: Meet the College Ambassadors

Profile 2: A Green Awakening

Profile 3: A Beautiful Struggle

Profile 4: Going Hard, Going Green

Profile 5: It's over already? What a year!

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