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Show your support for Green...For All

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO Green For All at Dec 16, 2010 02:55 PM |

Given the breadth of the work that Green For All does–from bolstering innovative green business ideas to training college ambassadors in the issues of a clean energy economy–it's easy to lose sight of the mandate that is contained within the name of our organization.

Show your support for Green...For All

Given the breadth of the work that Green For All does–from bolstering innovative green business ideas to training college ambassadors in the issues of a clean energy economy–it's easy to lose sight of the mandate that is contained within the name of our organization.

Our mission, truly, is to make "Green" something accessible to (and something that works for) everyone. You've stood with us as we engage in that effort–you've been a partner in our efforts to bring innovation and energy to a critical cause.

Support Green For All

Today, I write to ask that you become a vocal, visible partner. We're at a pivotal moment, a potential tipping point, in the push for a new, clean economy that lifts people out of poverty while tackling the global climate crisis. Those committed to an archaic, dirty energy economy are fighting harder than ever to defend the indefensible.

As we enter a new year, I ask that you stand with us in telling them that their time has come - and gone. As you consider your end-of-year giving, consider a gift of $20 or more to Green For All. In return, we'll send you the sticker you see above–a way of demonstrating your commitment to a cause that will bring "Green" to "All" Americans.

It's a moment to stand up and be heard–a time to show those desperate to stay in the past that Americans are ready for the future. We hope that your contribution, and this sticker, will help you to do that.

Thank you for your continued support of our work. It means more to me than I can express.


Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
CEO, Green For All

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