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Letting My Light Shine

Posted by Kandyce Perry, College Ambassador, Spelman College at Nov 22, 2011 12:25 PM |
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Most people are not as environmentally responsible as they could be largely because they simply aren’t aware of how their daily actions affect the world in a broader context. When people are aware - and are willing to change their behavior - they will consider the impact of their actions. My goal is to spark a light within as many people as I can.

Letting My Light Shine

My name is Kandyce Perry and I am a junior Environmental Science major at Spelman College. Serving as a Green for All College Ambassador has been a privilege - and an experience that has taught me a lot.

I am very passionate about environmental responsibility. It’s something that I talk about with my friends all the time. The ambassadorship gives me the opportunity to expand that dialogue to those I would not normally have had a chance to converse with. Most people are not as environmentally responsible as they could be largely because they simply aren’t aware of how their daily actions affect the world in a broader context. When people are aware - and are willing to change their behavior - they will consider the impact of their actions. 

Through the workshops that my campus partner and I have hosted, we have learned to break down the topics of global warming, environmentalism, and sustainability. We've developed ways to share information with people so they understand, relate to it, and effectively spread the word to others. Our workshops are not meant to imply ignorance, but to shed new light to environmental topics, challenge societal norms, and motivate people to work for change.

Seeing people’s faces when the light switch turns on and they truly get why sustainability makes sense is rewarding. My goal is to spark a light within as many people as I can so they become more environmentally conscious - and truly get how crucial sustainability is. Seeing that spark reminds me that it only takes one person to make a difference. We must work to change our future today, and Green For All gives me the opportunity to do that. 

Kandyce Perry — Spelman College

Kandyce Christine Perry is a third year Environmental Science major at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA hailing from the west side of Detroit, MI. She is interested in environmental topics that include but are not limited to the following areas: green technology, renewable energy, sustainability, recycling, water conservation, and green jobs. Read Kandyce's full profile »

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