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The growing green jobs boom.

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at Oct 15, 2009 05:15 PM |
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This week marks a major milestone for our movement. Cities and states are beginning to report how many jobs have been created locally through funding from President Obama's Recovery Act. And today, the government released the first job creation numbers, covering just 1.5% of total Recovery investments. With just this first small glimpse, and less than 50% of the Recovery money distributed, we are already seeing amazing victories for green jobs from across the country.

The growing green jobs boom.

Image courtesy of

This week marks a major milestone for the green jobs movement. 

Cities and states are beginning to report how many jobs have been created locally through funding from President Obama's Recovery Act.

Today, the government released the first job creation numbers, covering just 1.5% of total Recovery investments.

With just this first small glimpse, and less than 50% of the Recovery money distributed, we are already seeing amazing victories for green jobs from across the country.

In Portland, Oregon, cutting edge use of Recovery funds will create thousands of good clean-energy jobs for low-income workers, weatherize 100,000 homes, and launch the first model of paying for home weatherization through utility bills.

Green For All is proud to partner with the City of Portland on this landmark project, and to work with the city to bring the project to scale in the coming months and years.


Learn more about this success on a National Call next week, with Mayor Adams of Portland and Margie Harris, Executive Director of the Energy Trust of Oregon, and me.

The Portland project is one of the nation's leading models for using Recovery Act funds to lay the foundation for long-term economic, environmental and community health.

It is essential that we understand and analysis implementation of the Recovery Act, so that early successes are replicated and challenges addressed.  Congress and the President answered our call early this year for investments in clean-energy jobs.  Now, we’re working with local governments, advocates, community groups, workers, and program staff to make the Recovery real.

Good Crop GraphicAt Green For All, we’ve created new resources to help folks better understand the Recovery Act and how to put it to work in their communities:

We teamed up with GOOD Magazine on a new graphic that shows how Recovery dollars are being spent around the country to make buildings and communities more energy efficient.

Covers SpreadWe also released new pamphlets in our Green Recovery For All series, to help people understand key components of the Recovery Act, including what funds are available, how the funds may be used, and how cities, states and other entities can maximize the benefit to their communities.

As federal investments translate into real opportunity in America's communities, the promise of a clean-energy economic is bearing fruit.

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