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As Global Leaders Stall, Business Can Lead the Way Jun 28, 2012 The Huffington Post
As world leaders met in Rio last week for the UN conference on sustainable development, they drew widespread criticism. Leaders from developing countries argued that the wealthiest countries aren't doing enough to fund environmental protection. And activists argued that agreements forged in Rio are too weak and watered down to create real change. But for all the strife and disappointments coming out of Rio, our world leaders can still come home and take concrete steps to promote sustainable development and to wipe out poverty.
Fight poverty. End fossil fuel subsidies Jun 21, 2012
As world leaders meet in Rio this week, they’ve promised to talk about how they can work together to eradicate poverty. Nothing could be more urgent. We need our leaders to create long-term solutions that will wipe out hunger and poverty for good — here in the U.S., and across the globe.
It’s summertime, and energy is on our minds Jun 15, 2012
As the days get longer, more and more Americans are cranking up their air conditioners and turning on their fans. Meanwhile, their energy costs continue to climb -- and they're feeling it. In a poll last week nearly 8 out of 10 people said saving on energy costs was deeply important to them -- more important than issues like the federal deficit.
Ellis-Lamkins: Mercury Safeguards Are A Necessary Regulation Jun 06, 2012 Roll Call
Regulation. It’s become a dirty word in Washington, D.C. Why? In large part because industry fears the kind of regulations that are designed to stop the dumping of dangerous chemicals into our air and water. It may not be popular, but I’m going to say it: We need regulations.
Wisconsin and America’s Identity Crisis Jun 06, 2012 Huffington Post
Today, in Wisconsin and all across America, folks are feeling frustrated and disheartened. It’s hard to know that even after delivering blow after blow to working families, Governor Scott Walker will remain in office.
How Long Will We Let Them Poison Our Kids? May 31, 2012 Huffington Post
The sun is shining here in Oakland, and you can feel summer in the air. In my neighborhood, and all across America, kids are anxiously awaiting the final ring of the school bell. But not every child is looking forward to summer. Some will be trapped indoors during the next few months, unable to play outside because of their asthma attacks. Like many kids, I had asthma growing up so I know how hard it is to be stuck inside while everyone else plays.
States Ignore Minorities in Climate-Related Disaster Plans May 22, 2012 New America Media
Minority populations across the south and southwest are especially vulnerable to climate change, according to a new report put out by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Local and state governments, it also found, are failing to integrate such concerns into their climate disaster plans.
Bet on a Brown and Green America May 21, 2012 BET
Your Take: A sustainability expert says our future is tied to people of color and clean energy.
Bet on a Brown and Green America May 21, 2012 The Root
Your Take: A sustainability expert says our future is tied to people of color and clean energy
Standing up for clean energy against the lies May 17, 2012
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green for All, says the clean energy community must repudiate untruths in the face of opposing campaigns spreading lies. Ellis-Lamkins encourages people to ask questions about why the opposition would have a problem with clean energy, especially since clean energy was a core principle of John McCain’s campaign for the presidency.
‘7 Billion’ Music Video Showcases Women’s Role in Improving Communities—and Seeks to Inspire Change May 11, 2012
The nonprofit Green For All has premiered a new music video that calls on people from all over the world to join together to build a brighter future for their families and communities.
View from the boardroom: Why I'm feeling more hopeful than ever May 10, 2012
At first glance, it may not be looking too good for those of us who are trying to save the planet and put people to work. Pollution from cars, coal plants, and toxic industry is poisoning us more than ever before. Already, global warming is taking a toll on the world’s most vulnerable people -- the World Health Organization has linked tens of thousands of deaths to climate change. Across the globe, economies are faltering, and here in America, the unemployment rate is still painfully high. Meanwhile, groups like the Heritage Foundation are attacking the green economy with new vigor. And yet, I’m feeling more hopeful than ever.
This Mother's Day, Let's Be '7 Billion Strong' May 09, 2012
This Mother's Day is a very special one for me. I'm expecting my first child in just a few weeks. It's a time filled with anticipation and hope. But most of all, this new addition to my family and my life has given even more urgency to our effort to create an inclusive green economy.
Green For All Releases Music Video to Inspire Change May 09, 2012 ABC 7
OAKLAND, Calif., May 9, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, Green For All premiered a new music video that calls on people from all over the world to join together to build a brighter future for their families and communities. Harkening back to the activist roots of Mother's Day, the video focuses on women who have inspired change, and calls on a new generation of leaders to continue their work. The song, titled "7 billion," won Green For All's 2012 Dream Reborn Music Contest and was written and performed by two young Atlanta-based artists, Invest and Silent C. To watch the music video visit:
Green For All Releases Music Video to Inspire Change May 09, 2012 Reuters
OAKLAND, Calif., May 9, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, Green For All premiered a new music video that calls on people from all over the world to join together to build a brighter future for their families and communities. Harkening back to the activist roots of Mother's Day, the video focuses on women who have inspired change, and calls on a new generation of leaders to continue their work. The song, titled "7 billion," won Green For All's 2012 Dream Reborn Music Contest and was written and performed by two young Atlanta-based artists, Invest and Silent C. To watch the music video visit:
Green For All Releases Music Video to Inspire Change May 09, 2012 The Sacramento Bee
OAKLAND, Calif., May 9, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, Green For All premiered a new music video that calls on people from all over the world to join together to build a brighter future for their families and communities. Harkening back to the activist roots of Mother's Day, the video focuses on women who have inspired change, and calls on a new generation of leaders to continue their work. The song, titled "7 billion," won Green For All's 2012 Dream Reborn Music Contest and was written and performed by two young Atlanta-based artists, Invest and Silent C. To watch the music video visit:
Green For All Releases Music Video to Inspire Change May 09, 2012
OAKLAND, Calif., May 9, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, Green For All premiered a new music video that calls on people from all over the world to join together to build a brighter future for their families and communities. Harkening back to the activist roots of Mother's Day, the video focuses on women who have inspired change, and calls on a new generation of leaders to continue their work. The song, titled "7 billion," won Green For All's 2012 Dream Reborn Music Contest and was written and performed by two young Atlanta-based artists, Invest and Silent C. To watch the music video visit:
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins: This Mother's Day, Let's Be '7 Billion Strong' May 09, 2012 Vibe
This Mother's Day is a very special one for me. I'm expecting my first child in just a few weeks. It's a time filled with anticipation and hope. But most of all, this new addition to my family and my life has given even more urgency to our effort to create an inclusive green economy.
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins: At the intersection of economics and environment May 03, 2012 Mother Nature Network
As an advocate for a clean-energy economy, Ellis-Lamkins is working to make the case that 'environmental protection is something good for the economy.'
Social Venture Network Leaders Explore Future Apr 25, 2012 Axiom News
A recent panel conversation celebrating Social Venture Network’s (SVN) 25-year anniversary asked its emerging and founding leaders what their ideal future looks like.
'Acts of Green' urged as Earth Day is celebrated around the world Apr 22, 2012 CNN
For Earth Day, U.S. non-profit-organization Green For All arranged for students in Atlanta to learn about sustainability and environmentalism. Children were taught a range of environmental activities from planting trees to energy-efficiency.
Green For All in Atlanta Earth Day 2012 Apr 21, 2012 CBS Atlanta
Atlanta high school and college students learned the importance of environmental sustainability and their crucial role in educating communities, thanks to an Earth Day service event hosted by Green For All and Atlanta-based Let’s Retrofit A Million (LRAM).
This Earth Day, it’s all about (green) jobs, jobs, jobs Apr 20, 2012 Current
I may be going out on a limb here, but I firmly believe that this Earth Day there is much to celebrate. True, we’re beginning to see climate change take its toll as people around the world struggle in the face of drought and severe weather. Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins blogs on Current about Earth Day 2012.
Earth Day Events Around Our Community Apr 19, 2012 Patch
In celebration of Earth Day, Green for All is teaming up with Woodson Elementary School and Let’s Retrofit A Million on a community service project to honor the legacy of environmental and human rights activist, Wangari Maathai.
Organizations Offer Music Download To Honor Earth Day Apr 18, 2012 KTSM News Channel 9
The mixtape featured music from hip hop and R&B genres communities from across the U.S., including Frank Ocean and Kendrick Lamar. Those who download the free mixtape will also receive the Block Rockers Toolkit with resources to help them make their community greener.
Gender Equality In Green Jobs: A Promising New Sector Must Ensure Pay Equality Apr 17, 2012 ThinkProgress
Organizations such as Green for All, the Apollo Alliance, Wider Opportunities for Women, and the Center for American Progress have led the national discussion that job creation is not just a numbers game.
League of Young Voters & Green For All Present “The Green Room” Apr 17, 2012 DJBooth
In honor of Earth Day, the League of Young Voters Education Fund and Green For All have partnered to release The Green Room Mixtape, making its world premiere as a stream in the The DJBooth.
Let's Use Taxes to Put America to Work Apr 17, 2012 Huffington Post
Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins calls for the end to the Bush tax breaks for super rich to create jobs for a stronger America on this blog on the Huffington Post.
A bright green future for Kansas City [VIDEO] Mar 31, 2012 Grist
As part of our ongoing Green Jobs for America video series, we took a closer look at one of the cities where green jobs are helping improve the community.
Americans now hold 3.1 million green jobs Mar 28, 2012 Greenability
The U.S. Labor Department released a new report this week that shows at least 3.1 million Americans are employed in green jobs, which accounts for about 2.4 percent of the nation’s total employment.
Green Jobs In Kansas City: Profiling The People Who Make Up America’s 3.1 Million Green Jobs Mar 28, 2012 ThinkProgress
This latest Green For All video from Kansas City shows how grassroots much of the activity is, creating real jobs that create direct local benefits.
Former Newsom Spokesman Joins Green For All Mar 18, 2012 San Francisco Chronicle
Brian Purchia, a spokesman for former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, is the new communications director for Green for All, based in Oakland. Purchia most recently led communications for
Green Jobs Remain the Bright Spot in the Economy Mar 14, 2012 California Progress Report
Green jobs have proven to be more than just a buzz term. As the grip of the recession continues to hold, a new report just put out by visionary group Next 10 provides stats that this budding sector of the economy is holding firm.
Postcard from a Solar Rooftop Mar 08, 2012 New York Times
Oakland's Solar Mosaic designed by the Ella Baker Center and Green For All are profiled in the New York Times.
Don't Derail Transportation Jobs Mar 05, 2012 Huffington Post
Today in a blog on the Huffington Post Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins calls on Congress to pass a transportation bill that will put Americans back to work now.
Green For All at Howard University Mar 01, 2012 Black Enterprise
Black Enterprise Magazine profiles photos from the “Green is the New Black” jobs fair and symposium at Howard University.
Green Is The New Black Promotes An Economic and Sustainable Green World Feb 25, 2012 The Hilltop
The event consisted of a Green Opportunities Fair followed by a Networking Dinner. The fair placed great emphasis on the new Green Economy that now plays a major role in all business across the world.
'Green Is The New Black' Symposium Offers Solutions for a Sustainable Planet Feb 23, 2012 The Hilltop
This afternoon, the Amour J. Blackburn Center will be home to Green is the New Black, a Symposium for Young African-American Adults and the Green Economy.
Clean energy fosters a healthy society Feb 17, 2012 Laney Tower
Ellis-Lamkins drew from her own childhood stories, living in an impoverished, health-stricken "factory town" where "our community had no other options than the jobs we got."
Opponents of Keystone XL Aim for 500,000 Anti-Pipeline Pledges in 24 Hours Feb 13, 2012 TreeHugger
The Keystone XL is indeed an oily, lumbering zombie that keeps on lurching back to life. As anticipated, the 1,700 mile pipeline, which will carry some of the world's dirtiest oil from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas, has been resuscitated yet again (remember, it's already been killed twice). But a coalition of pipeline opponents are working to help shoot it down yet again, with an online drive to collect half a million signatures in just 24 hours.
Investing in the New Economy Feb 08, 2012 Huffington Post
Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins calls for investment in green jobs training programs to grow our economy on the Huffington Post.
From Sinkhole to Stimulus: Fixing Our Water Systems Will Get Jobs Flowing Jan 31, 2012 OnEarth
Investment in water infrastructure could generate $266 billion in economic activity and create close to 1.9 million jobs over 5 years. Green For All's report, Water Works is profiled.
What would it take to create a thriving green economy? Jan 31, 2012 Momentum
Over the past couple of years, the United States has weathered a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Canadian pipeline debates and the challenges of recession. Through it all, the promise of the green economy seems to be just sitting there like a golden opportunity to cure our ills. To get some answers, Momentum turned to Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, chief executive officer of Green for All.
Leaders Call Barack Talk 2012 a Success with Over 32,000 Viewers Tuning In Jan 27, 2012
The League of Young Voters Education Fund (LYVEF), in partnership with and Rock the Vote, engaged young voters with an interactive viewing party and panel discussions in Washington, D.C. with #BarackTalk 2012.
Green For All Promotes a More Sustainable State of the Union Jan 24, 2012
Oakland-based Green For All unveiled "A Plan to Keep America First" today, a four-point course of action it claims will put people back to work.
A plan to keep America 'first' Jan 24, 2012 the Grio
Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins blogs on the Grio about building the economy the United States needs now and for the future ahead of the President's State of the Union.
As Obama seeks re-election, his former church expands its vision Jan 17, 2012 Chicago Tribune
Congregation's plan for 27-acre sustainable community is part of its growing 'green ministry'
Rapping for the Planet Could Get You $1,000 Jan 16, 2012 Softpedia
Green For All is announcing a new competition, seeking to make young people more interested in promoting eco-friendly values through unconventional methods.
Bank of America tackles a tough market - old buildings in low- and middle-income areas Jan 05, 2012 E & E Publishing
E&E Publishing takes a look at the market for energy efficiency retrofits, citing our Kat Daniel on the topic.
SF Gate on The Million Person Project Jan 02, 2012 SFGate
Bruce Reyes-Chow: "One of the people that I met was Heather Box, who along with [GFA's] Julian Mocine-McQueen, are part of a new project called The Million Person Project."
STORMWATER STRATEGIES: Cities Prepare Aging Infrastructure for Climate Change Jan 02, 2012 InsuranceNewsNet
Climate change is already affecting water utilities, according to a 2009 report from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, industry advocacy groups based in Washington, DC. A seemingly contradictory witches' brew of more frequent and extreme storms, drought, and sea-level rise is beginning to stress some cities' water infrastructure. (Mentions "Water Works" report.)
10 Great Moments in Hip-Hop Philanthropy Dec 22, 2011 NewsOne
Here are 10 examples from 2011 that prove hip-hop is philanthropic — and we’re not even including the most-active hip-hop philanthropists Russell Simmons and Wyclef Jean.
The Green American Dream? Dec 16, 2011 Latino USA
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, interviewed for Latino USA on the President's green jobs record.
Edmonston’s ‘Green Street’ becomes keynote to environmental legislation Dec 16, 2011 Maryland Gazette
At the anniversary of establishing its environmentally-friendly street, Edmonston officials hosted U.S. Rep. Donna Edwards on Thursday as she highlighted its success and used it as an example of her legislation to put more federal dollars into “green” municipal projects.
Suburban DC town cited as model for green infrastructure investment Dec 14, 2011 Washington Post
A Prince George’s County town is being recognized as an example of how to improve the environment while creating jobs. Federal officials will be in Edmonston on Thursday celebrating the first anniversary of the town’s Green Street project, which is being credited with helping cut pollution in the nearby Anacostia River. Town officials say the project has also created jobs for about 70 people.
American Jobs Act could bring water infrastructure jobs to Arkansas Dec 12, 2011 KTHV-Little Rock
The purpose of the American Jobs Act is meant to be simple, get more people back on the job and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. But some political parties have a different way of stimulating job growth. A group of Arkansans support America's Job Act and want others to urge congress to vote on it.
Building Political Power Dec 12, 2011 OnEarth
For Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, the bad news is that the national unemployment rate is still hovering around nine percent. But the good news -- that the green economy outperformed the nation during the recession -- stands to make her job a whole lot easier. Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of the Oakland-based nonprofit Green For All, took over leadership of the organization from its founder. Her experience working in California’s labor movement makes her a rarity in the country’s environmental movement today.
Phaedra on Up With Chris Hayes Dec 11, 2011 Up With Chris Hayes
Phaedra appears as a panelist during the weekly talk show on MSNBC.
Ebony: THE POWER 100: ELEVATING THE GAME Dec 10, 2011 Ebony
We only wish we could list all 100 of our power players for 2011 right here! (For that you’ll have to grab the December/January issue of EBONY on newsstands now.) But what we can tell you is that this is the list of all lists. Within the Power 100 are the ultimate shakers and innovators who have shaped Black America throughout the year. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are all household names like Steve Stoute, Jay Z, Oprah Winfrey, Lil Wayne, Tyler Perry or Soledad O’Brien (all on the list). In fact some of these names like Dickey, Bartunde Thurston, and Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins are lesser known—but trust us, their individual and collective impact is unquestionably large.
Why Your Water Bill Must Go Up Nov 28, 2011 The Atlantic Cities
The problem is most troubling in cities, where dense and increasing populations put greater demand on already-strained systems that municipal governments generally lack the funds to upgrade. Without robust, urgent action, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that nearly half the nation's pipes will fall into the “poor, very poor or elapsed” categories by 2020, risking widespread failures and a considerable threat to public health.
Green Jobs Make Up One-Third of Construction Workforce: McGraw Hill Oct 17, 2011 International Business Times
While only 8,035 of the 53,000 who have been trained by the Department of Labor have reportedly found jobs, Green For All reports those figures only include workers who have already been fully trained, and not those who are currently undergoing training or those scheduled to enter training programs funded by Department of Labor grants.
Bless the Mic: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins Oct 12, 2011 Dr. Kimborough's Blog
So [Phaedra] challenged the students to really get involved. I think we'll have some HBCU ambassadors for Green For All on our campus next year. This is DEFINITELY a message we need in our communities more, and Phaedra is an excellent spokesperson for this movement.
Jobs and Water for America Oct 06, 2011
Every year, our old water infrastructure spills 860 million gallons of untreated waste into America’s waterways, including raw or partially treated sewage, bacteria, parasites, synthetic hormones, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural wastes. We have old leaky pipes and outdated water-treatment systems. Our irrigation systems are inefficient and our home water-using appliances outmoded. People increasingly fear our tap water and spend billions for bottled water in the mistaken belief it is somehow better. This is inexcusable for a developed nation, or frankly, any nation, and it is preventable.
Investment in green infrastructure could create 1.9M jobs -- report Oct 05, 2011 E&E News
A conservative investment in green waterway infrastructure could yield significant environmental benefits and generate 1.9 million jobs, according to a report released today by water and economic groups.
How Investing in Water Infrastructure Could Grow Green Jobs Oct 04, 2011
"Those are good quality jobs," said Jeremy Hays, chief strategist for state and local initiatives at the nonprofit Green For All and co-author of the report, "Water Works: Rebuilding Infrastructure, Creating Jobs, Greening the Environment." "They're accessible to many Americans and they're direly needed right now in this country."
Investment in green infrastructure could create 1.9M jobs -- report Oct 04, 2011 E&E News
A conservative investment in green waterway infrastructure could yield significant environmental benefits and generate 1.9 million jobs, according to a report released today by water and economic groups.
Smith: Making time for those who have done time Sep 29, 2011
RecycleForce on Wednesday announced a partnership with Green For All, a national group with a mission of using green jobs to help break the cycle of poverty.
Green Jobs Group: Green Industries Perfect Match for Prisoner Re-Entry Sep 28, 2011 WIBC - Indianapolis
Leaders of "Green for All" traveled to an Indianapolis electronics recycler to argue green jobs are an ideal way for offenders to reenter the workforce: it's a growing industry, doesn't require a lot of education, and pays well.
Obama's smog flip-flop may leave black kids breathless Sep 02, 2011 The Grio
The one in six African-American kids who suffer from asthma got bad news today. President Obama has withdrawn rules that would have cut back on ground-level ozone -- a precursor to smog. This means a delay in cleaning up the air these kids sometimes struggle to breathe.
Life is Living Festival Sep 01, 2011 foolish tree films
Rosa González, Green For All's Director of Education and Outreach, was representing green jobs at the Life is Living Festival San Francisco on July 16th, 2010. foolish tree films's Ian Carruthers was there to talk to some of the organizations present, including Green For All.
Black is the new Green. Intriguing Interviews from The Urban Green Summit Sep 01, 2011 Denver Green Streets
I heard it a lot last weekend. It's a fun catch-phrase and an important reminder. Love of the environment is not the exclusive domain of "hippies", or any other group for that matter. People of all backgrounds have concern and reverence for the environment. The Urban Green Summit allowed folks from the African American community and other communities to merge and talk about the issues. And it was fun.
Fremont-Based Solyndra Goes Bankrupt; 1,100 Workers Laid Off Aug 31, 2011 CBS San Francisco
FREMONT (CBS SF) – A leading Bay Area manufacturer of solar power systems has abruptly shut down operations and laid off its staff while it sought to file for bankruptcy protection.
Solar Power Innovator Solyndra Files For Bankruptcy Aug 31, 2011 Treehugger
Solar power tech innovator Solyndra has announced it will be filing for bankruptcy. 1,100 full time and temporary employees are being laid-off immediately, the company said in a press statement.
The Urban Green Summit in Denver Aug 27, 2011 The Denver Post
Denver's air may be thin, but at least it's usually breathable. That's not the case everywhere. In much of the country, the air quite literally makes people sick. Hundreds of children suffer asthma attacks each day because of pollution from cars and smokestacks. That is unacceptable — and preventable.
Green For All Trains Newest College Ambassadors Aug 26, 2011 The Famuan
Thirty college students last weekend trained to represent eco-equity firm Green For All as campus ambassadors for the next school year. Students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities around the country learned about environmental justice and climate change, and planned various eco-awareness campaigns for their respective universities.
Testifying for Jobs at Acts Full Aug 23, 2011 The Oakland Post
Members of Congress came to church in Oakland to hear residents testify about the need for jobs last week in a town hall meeting held at Acts Full Gospel Church. Led by Host Congresswoman Barbara Lee, she was joined by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Representative Mike Honda and U.S. Representative of Arizona, Raul Grijalva.
Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Lee push for jobs at forum Aug 17, 2011 San Francisco Chronicle
OAKLAND – After weeks of Republican attacks on President Obama in rural Iowa, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Barbara Lee on Tuesday took to the pulpit of an African American church in Oakland to hear directly from voters and defend the president and Democrats on the most critical issue of the 2012 presidential race - jobs.
Water Shortage: 6 Things to Know Aug 15, 2011 The Root
Preparing Young People for Success Aug 10, 2011
Organizations such as Green for All, The Philadelphia Youth Network, The Corps Network,and Temple University's Building Information Skills Summer Program prepares underprivileged students with the skill set and the knowledge that is needed in today's workforce and college.
Building the Green-Collar Economy Aug 02, 2011 Discover Magazine
The lure of renewable energy sources is that they help fight climate 
change. Four experts argue that the transition to a clean economy could also jump-start economic growth and put a new generation to work. 

Framework for Preparing Low-Income Youth for Green Jobs and Green Careers Jul 28, 2011 Huffington Post
One of the biggest challenges in today's world is figuring out how to connect people to jobs. While there's probably not a universal solution to this problem, today I am happy to write about what I believe to be at least one positive development for young Americans.
Green For All CEO, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Shares Thoughts as 40 Under 40 Winner Jul 01, 2011 Care2
In late June, New Leaders Council named their ”40 Under 40” — a group exemplifying “the spirit of political entrepreneurship.” Below is a guest post from Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, one of a handful of those recently crowned “40″ who were kind enough to take time from their busy schedules to share some of their wisdom with Care2. More posts will be shared over the coming days–so stay tuned!
Standing up for the EPA: the panel that’s sweeping the nation Jun 20, 2011 Grist
It was called "Progressives vs. Polluters: Standing up for the EPA," and it included Miles Grant of NWF, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins of Green for All, and Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.). I like to think it was more interesting than any panel devoted to a government agency had a right to be. There was a shared sense of the importance of EPA rules but distinct perspectives on reward and punishment, the inside game vs. the outside game, and other politically tinged topics.
Students from the AU Center Attend Powershift 2011 in Washington Jun 14, 2011 Rolling Out
After getting the chance to meet with Lisa Jackson and Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, I realized that this fight to protect our environment is not an act that is beyond me. I can contribute to the movement and do my part on my college campus and in my community.
Perspectives on Portland: Mayor Sam Adams Jun 02, 2011 Blue Oregon
Clean Energy Works is a for-profit non-profit – it's not a giveaway. It's about creating a market but in a socially responsible way, offering the only on-bill financing programs in the nation. A lot of this isn’t sexy, strategy isn’t sexy. But Clean Energy Works is an example of people paying it back, we’re employing people, we’re helping people skill up through partnership with labor. Green for All is our national partner to help develop a green economy.
Grassroots Giver: Green For All Jun 01, 2011 emPower Magazine
“For working class Americans, the future is a luxury; they’re just trying to make it from one day to next, hoping they can find some way to put food on the table and keep the lights on,” says Ellis-Lamkins. “So, for these Americans, going green is important because it means jobs, jobs, jobs…the green economy will provide new hope and opportunity to those who desperately need it.”
Stop Oil Subsidies? May 10, 2011 VIDEO: MSNBC
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins stopped by MSNBC's Jansing & Co. to talk about oil subsidies.
IL: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins May 01, 2011 IMPACT
Congratulations to our May IMPACT Leader of the Month: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Chief Executive Officer of Green For All. Under her leadership, Green For All has become one of the country’s leading advocates for a clean-energy economy, and one of its most important voices on the intersection of economics and environment.
Jobs, Clean Energy and Raising Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis Apr 28, 2011 AUDIO: Oprah Radio
Oprah Radio host Derrick Ashong continues his discussion about false news stories regarding illegal immigrants and undocumented workers. He talks with Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green for All, about the job crisis and how we can improve the lives of Americans through a clean-energy economy. He also talks with ecologist and author Sandra Steingraber about her book Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis.
The Ludacris Foundation, Green For All and Actress Keshia Knight Pulliam Host “Keep It Fresh” Earth Day Event Apr 25, 2011 Black Gives Back
Atlanta, GA - Green For All, a national organization dedicated to improving lives through a clean economy, partnered with The Ludacris Foundation and special guests, Keshia Knight Pulliam and Rashan Ali to celebrate Earth Day. The partners raised awareness about critical water issues through a community service event on Thursday, April 21st at the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance in Atlanta.
PHOTO: Green For All, Earth Day 2011 Apr 25, 2011 The YBF
Green For All, a national organization dedicated to improving lives through a clean economy, partnered with The Ludacris Foundation and special guests, Keshia Knight Pulliam and Rashan Ali to celebrate Earth Day. The partners raised awareness about critical water issues through a community service event this past Thursday at the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance.
How HBCUs have learned to go green Apr 23, 2011 The Grio
It's not always easy being green – especially if you're a college or university that serves primarily minority students, many from low-income families. Going green requires up-front investment that many of these institutions believe they can't afford.
Environmental Dopeness: Keshia Knight Pulliam & Crew ‘Keep It Fresh' Apr 22, 2011 the Jasmine Brand
Green For All, a national organization dedicated to improving lives through a clean economy, has partnered with The Ludacris Foundation and (actress) Keshia Knight Pulliam and (Atlanta media personality) Rashan Ali to celebrate Earth Day.
African-American Communities: More Environmental Challenges Apr 22, 2011 The Root
Need a reason to celebrate Earth Day? Here's one. According to the Center for American Progress, more than 71 percent of African Americans and 66 percent of Latinos live in areas that fail to meet one or more of the Environmental Protection Agency's air-quality standards.
Luda & Friends Celebrate Earth Day in ATL Apr 22, 2011
How will you be celebrating Earth day? Ludacris, his mother Roberta Shields, and Keshia Knight Pulliam helped students at Atlanta’s Dobbs Elementary pay homage to Mother Nature yesterday. The Ludacris Foundation teamed up with "Green for All" for the event at the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance.
Keep It Fresh Earth Day Event: Atlanta-Area Students To Plant Water Garden Apr 21, 2011 CBS Atlanta
ATLANTA – Dobbs Elementary students got their hands dirty in celebration of Earth Day on Thursday. The Ludacris Foundation teamed up with "Green For All" for the event at the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance.
Environmental CEO: Green job creation, sustainability connected Apr 20, 2011 The Badger Herald
When students consider the green movement for increased sustainability on a nationwide scale, one advocate said job creation could play a significant role in the pursuit of more environmentally-friendly public policies.
Have you met Phaedra yet? Apr 18, 2011
Phaedra represents a new generation of African American youth activists who are looking out for the environment. As a visionary and sustainability advocate, she leads this national organization with a clear mandate of promoting the well-being of people and communities in a green economy.
Wiz Khalifa and Green For All CEO Address Black America’s Water Crisis Apr 15, 2011
Images of water-deprived foreign countries have become commonplace but what is often overlooked is the water crisis in the U.S. The situation is disproportionately affecting impoverished communities of color and the statistics are alarming. According to environmental organization, Green For All, only 1 percent of the earth’s freshwater is easily accessible.
Movement Building In Green Job Circles Apr 14, 2011 Earth Techling
Movement-building is a word I hear a lot. We need to be asking ourselves: what does it mean to be truly engaged in movement-building? How does this work look and feel?
Heroines for the Planet: Green For All’s Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins Apr 01, 2011 Eco-Chick
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green For All, is leading a movement to bring about the change our country so desperately needs. She has a bold yet simple vision for the future — one in which everyone gets to prosper while not destroying our planet. Phaedra’s mission to build an economy that offers opportunity for all people is somewhat of a personal fight. She knows first-hand what poverty feels like.
Contest: Win An iPad 2 And Spread the Word About Threats to Fresh Water Mar 26, 2011 Treehugger
One of the most savvy and effective green groups out there, Green for All, is partnering with Sigg USA and hip-hop artist Wiz Khalifa for the "Keep It Fresh" public education tour, coming to campuses across the county. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about "the crisis-level water shortages, inspire personal action around water usage and advocate for improving local water situations." If you help spread the word, you can win an iPad 2!
Wiz Khalifa wants your campus conscious about clean water Mar 23, 2011 BET Sound Off
That green that some smoke is not the only thing that Wiz Khalifa is an advocate of these days, he’s teamed up with Green For All and SIGG USA for the Campus Consciousness Tour as part of the "Keep It Fresh" campaign. The campaign is designed to raise awareness about the crisis-level water shortages, inspire personal action around water usage and advocate for improving local water situations. It kicked off yesterday, March 22nd, World Water Day, and will run until April 22nd, Earth Day.
Green For All Launches "Keep It Fresh" Campaign with Hip Hop Artist Wiz Khalifa Mar 23, 2011 Black Gives Back
CEO of Green For All, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins (pictured), SIGG USA, and the Green For All organization has kicked off their latest public awareness campaign, "Keep It Fresh," partnering with hip hop artist Wiz Khalifa on the 2011 Campus Consciousness Green Carpet Tour. As Wiz drops his album March 29th and embarks on his headlining tour March 31st, he is promoting a different type of green, one that has far reaching effects for all of us. For his Campus Consciousness Green Carpet Tour, Wiz will promote environmental sustainability through his actions and through education. One of the central campaigns of the Green Carpet tour is "Keep it Fresh."
JET celebrates trailblazers Feb 24, 2011 JET Magazine
JET celebrates its 60th anniversary this year with a look at trailblazers in our culture — from the past and the present — whose commitment to excellence allowed them — and all of us — to make inroads in every aspect of our world. For Black History Month — and all year long — we honor our veteran and rising Black history makers.
Our environmental struggle: An open letter to black America Feb 05, 2011 The Grio
Where is the asthma rate higher: Colorado Springs or Atlanta? I’m sure you guessed right—Atlanta. Why did you guess that? Probably because the majority of Atlanta is black, and our community is three times more likely to die from asthma than the white population.
HuffPo's Greatest Person of the Day: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Building A Green Economy, From Jobs To Policy Feb 04, 2011 The Huffington Post
Phaedra, 34, is the CEO of Green For All, which works to get people back to work through green jobs. Partnering with individuals, small businesses and cities, and the Obama Administration, the organization is working to make the green economy a central part of the economic recovery.
TheGrio's 100: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, pushing green so Wall Street stays out of red Feb 01, 2011 TheGrio
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins is convincing decision-makers that Wall Street can stay out of the red by going green, fighting Washington's long-held view that the economy and environment are at odds with each other.
The Root's Young Futurists List of 25 Innovators Jan 31, 2011 The Root
Green For All's College Ambassador - Jordan Rivers at Howard University - is named one of The Root's 25 Innovators!
Hip-Hop Experts Discuss Obama's State of The Union Speech Jan 31, 2011 Rapfix
Julian McQueen from Green For All, Matt Singer from the Bus Federation, New Organizing Institute fellow Jessy Tolkan, X-Clan member and activist Paradise Gray, artist and activist Jasiri X, recording artist Tabi Bonney, writers Andreas Hale from and Janee Bolden from the were all on hand to lend their thoughts to the panel discussion.
The Root's Young Futurists List of 25 Innovators Jan 31, 2011 The Root
When President Obama said "We do big things," he didn't have to convince these 25 budding innovators, ages 16 to 21. They are the young people to watch if you want to know where America is heading.
The Economic Choice: Should America Hold onto the Past or Prepare for the Future? Jan 26, 2011 The Huffington Post
Talkin' 'Bout My Generation Dec 01, 2010 Earth Island Journal
For the first time in a generation, a number of significant green groups are led by people under 40. Phil Radford, who took over Greenpeace USA last year, is 34 years old, as is Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at Green for All.
VIDEO: Interview with Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green For All Nov 16, 2010 MSNBC via Mediaite
On MSNBC, Phaedra discusses the economy, Capitol Hill, and the challenges Americans are facing now.
In New Orleans, leading the way to a greener future Nov 11, 2010
In the next few months, we can redefine how the rest of America -- and the world -- sees New Orleans.
Speak Up! invites women, and also men, who “speak” to women in terms of their values, their goals and their strong sense of community, to address issues, opportunities and successes that need to be heard by a larger audience of women leaders.
Green For All Launches the Green Jobs Bus in Advance of Prop 23 Initiative Oct 27, 2010 TriplePundit
Today, the bus arrived in Sacramento where its participants visited the CSU Clean Tech Showcase and the Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce, and learned about the Go Green Initiative which aims to make the six-county Sacramento region a leader in sustainability. They have a new clean green technology center that they hope will become a focal point. The Asian Pacific Chamber is focusing its attention on the role that small businesses can play. Chamber President Patricia Fong Kushida described a major Smart Grid initiative that is just getting under way.
Creative forces unite against Prop. 23 Oct 22, 2010 San Francisco Bay Guardian
Meanwhile, Green for All has released a YouTube video about Prop. 23 set to the tune of the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage," featuring some rather hilarious oily cowboys smoking cigars and clutching fistfuls of money. Check it out: [VIDEO]
Speak Up for Safe Water on Blog Action Day Oct 15, 2010 Tonic
"We see America at a crossroads where water will become either our next looming resource crisis or a foundation of strength and stability for the 21st Century," says Ricki Weisberg Ndege, communications director for Green for All.
Liberals hope rally rivals Beck's Oct 01, 2010 Politico
“This is the kick off for organizing the base that helped elect the president,” said Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green for All, which advocates for clean energy and green jobs.
Earning Green by Going Green Oct 01, 2010 The Root
Born and raised in the ultra-polluted Suisun City, California, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins would eventually decide to make environmental justice in communities of color her life’s work. As the current CEO of Green for All, a post she took when Van Jones vacated it for the Obama administration, Ellis-Lamkins is at the forefront of the battle against pollution of every form in America’s working class enclaves.
Thousands to Make Clarion Call for Social Justice in Washington Sep 29, 2010 AFRO
“Now is the time that the progressive power in this country [must] prove that we are the movement of faith. We are the movement fighting to protect the most vulnerable Americans from those who want to exploit us and lock us out of the American dream."
Liberal groups plan One Nation rally in D.C. Sep 28, 2010 Washington Post
"We lose separately, and absent of a strategy to work together we will continue to lose," said Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, chief executive of Green for All, an environmental group supporting the march. "We have to be able to take critical action on all of the issues facing this country. We're at a critical moment in history, and we have the opportunity to move forward in a really significant way."
Economic and environmental crisis Sep 21, 2010 Insight News
On September 8, US Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) held a public forum to discuss ideas and policies that will make clean energy jobs more available to Minnesotans.
US Department of Labor announces new members of Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship Sep 20, 2010 United States Department of Labor
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor has announced the appointment of new members to the Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship. The ACA is comprised of approximately 30 individuals representing labor unions, employers and the public.
We All Have The Responsibility To Make A Change by Bucky Lasek Sep 17, 2010 globalGrind
I spend a lot of time outdoors, whether it is practicing or competing. Over the years, I have noticed changes. Hotter summers. Shorter winters. Crazier weather. Thicker, more polluted air. Some call it global warming, others climate change. Regardless of the name, it impacts everything from our snow quality to quality of life.
Catching Up with Congresswoman Barbara Lee Sep 17, 2010 Essence Magazine
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference has been dubbed one of the most powerful weeks in Washington. On its opening day this week, tagged along (or tried to!) with CBC President, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, one of the city's most powerful women.
This Old Green House Sep 17, 2010 Stanford Social Innovation Review
Clean Energy Works Portland gets consumers—and the workforce—energized about weatherization.
Wingspread freshwater summit leads to call for action Sep 16, 2010 The Journal Times
A coalition that began with a Johnson Foundation conference at Wingspread issued a "call to action" report Wednesday aimed at heading off a national crisis in water quality and supply. The coalition released the report, "Charting New Waters: A Call to Action to Address U.S. Freshwater Challenges," in Washington, D.C.
IMAGE: Leaders of the New School Sep 16, 2010 Essence
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green For All. "As long as your values are consistent and you're focused on bending the arc of justice, you can live with the consequences."
Tides Taps Social Entrepreneur and Progressive Thought Leader as New CEO Sep 16, 2010 PR Newswire
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, Tides names Melissa L. Bradley as CEO to continue the organization's work to find creative solutions to society's most critical issues – from economic justice to human rights to environmental challenges. Following a six-month national search, Bradley will replace Tides' founder, Drummond Pike, who will step down after 34 years of leadership.
Blacks urged to prepare for new Green economy It’s about jobs — and much more Sep 15, 2010 Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Nearly two-thirds of Minnesotans (73 percent) support more investment in developing clean, renewable energy sources, according to a February telephone poll by supporters for a clean energy economy. A lot of job growth could result — but what kind of jobs, and jobs for whom?
One Nation Working Together: March With Us Sep 14, 2010 What's Possible: The Tides Blog
On October 2, something special is going to happen. Everyday Americans from all walks of life will come together to take a step past the divisiveness that has plagued our country and towards a tomorrow built on a shared vision of prosperity. It is the One Nation Working Together march, and I hope you will be a part of it. Tides is the fiscal sponsor for One Nation Working Together providing it with operational infrastructure services.
Forum focuses on potential for clean energy jobs Sep 13, 2010 Workday Minnesota
As a new economy is developed, no one must be left behind, the panelists agreed. Featured speaker was Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green for All, a national organization working to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.
It's Time to Call Your Senators About "Cash for Caulkers" Sep 08, 2010
I've written quite a bit about "Home Star"—aka "Cash for Caulkers"—and have made no effort at all to disguise my enthusiasm for the prospective program. You know, the one that will create a ton of jobs, cut the average family's energy expenses, and cut our collective carbon emissions? Well in this next short Senate session, there's a bill sitting there that includes Home Star. But, as Jeff Rickert of Green For All warns in an email today, time is running out.
VIDEO - Green for All: Rebuilding New Orleans Sep 08, 2010 GRITtv
Hurricane Katrina and the BP spill have hit New Orleans with a double whammy, but the one bright side has been the opportunity to create not just new jobs for local residents, but green jobs, jobs that help the city move into a new energy future. This video from Green for All looks at just a few of the residents of the city who've found a new purpose helping weatherize homes and better their neighborhoods.
AUDIO - Matching green jobs with minorities and low-income workers Sep 08, 2010
MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with one of the key speakers at the forum Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins. She's the CEO of the national group Green for All.
INTERVIEW - Green Patriot Radio with David Steinman – “The Half Billion Eggs Recall, Dangers of Coal Ash, and Green Jobs for America” Sep 06, 2010
David Steinman interviews P.J. Huffstutter, business reporter covering food & agriculture for the Los Angeles Times; Michael Brune, executive director for the Sierra Club; and Cecilia Estolano, Chief Strategist on State and Local Initiatives at Green For All.
VIDEO - Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins: Personal Fight for Green Jobs Sep 01, 2010 GRITtv
The struggle for green jobs brings together the struggle for sustainability and a cleaner environment and the fight against poverty--a struggle for justice for all. Green for All unites these struggles into one movement, as CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins explained at Netroots Nation, in a personal discussion of her past and present experiences with poverty and the environment.
Doing Green Jobs Right Aug 26, 2010 The Nation
Phyllis Evans never gave much thought to the national debate over green jobs. As a mother of two, former substitute teacher and homeowner in Dorchester, Massachusetts, Evans was active with New England United for Justice, which is best known for organizing around housing and economic justice. But when her group joined the Green Justice Coalition and began partnering with the Boston Climate Action Network, she suddenly found herself educating members of her community on CO2 emissions, energy efficiency and low-carbon diets.
Green Insider: 3 Emerging Green Biz Opportunities Aug 26, 2010 Black Enterprise
The premise for the term “Green Economy” is built on the convergence of two ideas: 1) As a result of the climate change crisis our country needs to step up our efforts towards conservation and sustainability; and 2) Moving forward with the first idea will require a huge, skilled blue and white collar workforce that is diverse.
Social, Environment Activists at Work Aug 24, 2010 The Portland Observer
Jeremy Hays of the group Green for All reaches out to Cully neighbors on an initiative to make the northeast neighborhood more energy efficient and create new green jobs.
Dew Tour Joins Forces with Protect 360 Campaign Aug 23, 2010 cambio NEWS
Everyone is going green these days and we love it! Green for All, a national organization dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through a clean-energy economy, just announced the launch of Protect the 360°, a campaign to engage and activate the action-sports community in efforts to curb climate change.
Green For All - in partnership with the Dew Tour - today announced the launch of Protect the 360°, a campaign to engage and activate the action-sports community in efforts to curb climate change.
Minorities deserve their share of stimulus jobs Jul 25, 2010 The Kansas City Star
Thousands of people who returned to their homes throughout the U.S. after the NAACP convention in Kansas City should have stayed longer. They left a lot of unfinished business. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver in a public forum on “green jobs” criticized the oldest and largest civil rights group in the nation for failing to live up to its legacy of street protests and activism.
Slideshow: The NAACP's leaders of the future Jul 10, 2010 The Grio
As the NAACP hosts its 101st Convention this week in Kansas City, the organization is looking to a younger generation of civil and human rights activists to continue its legacy. These 10 NAACP leaders are all under the age of 35, and represent the new frontline of civil rights advocates who are working to realize the NAACP's vision of "One Nation, One Dream".
Drake Pledges To “Green His Block” Jun 23, 2010 Ecorazzi
Drake’s newly released debut album, “Thank Me Later,” is currently the second best selling album on itunes. The Canadian-born, young rapper is blowing up the charts! But with all the media attention focused on his quick rise to fame and rapidly expanding fan-base, few people have talked about Drake’s support of “going green.”
Ten African American Green Heroes Jun 18, 2010 Planet Harmony
To mark Juneteenth and the Fourth of July for 2010, Planet Harmony, the online environmental network especially for people of color, salutes ten African American Green Heroes who have made notable efforts to end environmental tyranny affecting communities of color.
Is Now the Right Time for the Clean Energy Fight? Jun 16, 2010 Essence Magazine
President Obama is following up on last night's speech on the Gulf oil spill with a White House meeting today with senior members of BP, including chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg and chief executive Tony Hayward.
Drake PSA About... Jun 10, 2010
Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton has posted Green The Block's video featuring the hip-hop artist Drake. Follow the link to watch it at Perez Hilton's site, or visit for the same video and also an exclusive interview.
Progressives seek to gain momentum for change at America's Future Now conference Jun 07, 2010 Washington Post
The audience leapt to its feet just once, after a speech by Green for All chief executive Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins. "We thought that an election was a victory... we want to raise our expectations."
U.S. liberals: Time to make Obama uncomfortable Jun 07, 2010 Reuters
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, who heads an environmental activist group called Green for All, said Obama's initial acceptance of what he was told about the Gulf Coast oil spill by officials of London energy giant BP Plc (BP.L) was a sign of his hands-off approach with the corporate world.
Unheard Voices from the BP Oil Spill Jun 06, 2010 ChannelAPA
Like the documentary A Village of Versailles told the story of the Asian community during Hurricane Katrina, Green for All is giving a voice to the Vietnamese community affected by the BP Oil Spill.
America the Beautiful Is Under Threat May 03, 2010 - AC360'
A massive ecological and human disaster is unfurling in the Gulf Coast. An estimated five thousand barrels of crude oil steadily spew into the Gulf every day, threatening the lives, health, economy, and environment of an entire region. When will it stop?
In the Green Technology Revolution, How Can We Best Reach the Summit? Apr 28, 2010 The Atlanta Post
For several years now we’ve been hearing the term “green technology” volleyed about. As preached from the political pulpit, “green” means new jobs, improved health, cost savings and a clean environment. Eager to harness these benefits, leaders in government, the private sector and countless everyday citizens, have made the decision to go green.
HOT SHOT: Anthony Mackie Goes Green For All! Apr 23, 2010
On Thursday (Apr 22), Green For All held an event in West Harlem, NYC, with actor, Anthony Mackie (The Hurt Locker) and Lisa Jackson, President Obama’s Chief Advisor on the Environment, in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day.
This Earth Day, it's about Hip Hop and Hard Hats Apr 22, 2010 Huffington Post
On April 22nd, 1970, twenty million Americans took action for the first Earth Day, marking the unofficial birth of the modern environmental movement. Forty years later, Earth Day is as much about hip hop and hard hats as it is about polar bears and Ponderosas.
Green For All Earth Day 'Dig In' - Photograph Apr 22, 2010 Life
NEW YORK - APRIL 22: Actor Anthony Mackie (L) and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson participates in the Green For All Earth Day 'Dig In' at Riverside Valley Community Garden on April 22, 2010 in the West Harlem neighborhood of New York City.
Greening Black America: Environmentalists to Watch Apr 22, 2010 Essence Magazine
If African-Americans are beginning to see the green movement as a path to more jobs, it’s thanks to the efforts of Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins. As CEO of Green for All, a national organization aimed at decreasing poverty through the development of green energy jobs, last year Ellis-Lamkins successfully lobbied to include in the clean energy bill provisions ensuring that low-income communities have access to green jobs created by the proposed legislation. The bill, which promises to reduce pollution and create millions of new jobs in the green sector, is currently awaiting Senate approval. “People told us this was impossible,” says Ellis-Lamkins, 33. “But we spent six months working on this issue. We were like the little engine that could.”
Rangel Hails Earth Day Visit by EPA Administrator Jackson Apr 22, 2010 The Office of Rep. Charles B. Rangel (NY)
Local Stop by EPA's Top Official Helps Highlights Environmental Accomplishments Taking Place in Upper Manhattan & New York City.
Anthony Mackie & Lisa Jackson Caught Green-Handed Apr 22, 2010 Essence Magazine
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson and actor Anthony Mackie got their green on cultivating a new garden in Harlem for the Green for All Earth Day 'Dig In' Event.
Green For All Earth Day 'Dig In' - Photograph Apr 22, 2010 Life
NEW YORK - APRIL 22: Actor Anthony Mackie participates in the Green For All Earth Day 'Dig In' at Riverside Valley Community Garden on April 22, 2010 in the West Harlem neighborhood of New York City.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson joined Green For All in its Earth Day Celebration at Riverside Valley Community Garden in New York on April 22. A day of community service, the event brought together local activists and volunteers to plant seeds of growth and renewal where there was once blight.
Are You Green Jobs Ready? Apr 20, 2010 The Root
Green may be the new black for African Americans seeking jobs during a downturn that has hit our community harder than other groups.
First Green Business Academy offers sustainable advice to entrepreneurs Apr 02, 2010 New Mexico Business Weekly
David Melton asked his audience to look up at the light fixtures in the room where he was speaking. “That’s what we’re competing with,” said Melton, CEO of Sacred Power Co. “The grid is already there...."
Magic Time Apr 02, 2010 San Jose Mercury News
She's young, she's smart, she's going places. It's a sentiment that's been attached to Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins since she was 27 and leading the powerful South Bay Labor Council in San Jose. And it remains a familiar refrain now that she's 32 and running Green For All, a national organization based in Oakland that pushes for working-class jobs in the emerging green industry.
The Black Eyed Peas + Ludacris + Green For All = Hawkeye Honor Apr 01, 2010 globalGrind
If you ever meet Fergie, I’ll give you an inside tip: you don’t have to remind her that she’s much shorter than you expected. “I get that a lot,“ Fergie shrugged and smiled knowingly. At under 5’3” myself, I stood at eye level with the woman who made “lady lumps” an international sensation.
Black Eyed Peas' beat gets Des Moines fans started Mar 26, 2010 Des Moines Register
The first arena concert of spring in downtown Des Moines marked "The E.N.D." of winter, especially for the more than 14,000 fans who filled Wells Fargo Arena to pump it Thursday night with the Black Eyed Peas. "What's up, Des Moines?" screamed at the crowd. This was the first of many mentions of Des Moines and Iowa throughout the course of the evening. The Peas fittingly kicked off their set with "Let's Get It Started."
Photos: Black Eyed Peas, Ludacris receive awards in Des Moines, BEP pose with Gov. Chet Culver’s family Mar 25, 2010 Des Moines Register
The Black Eyed Peas and environmental group Green For All were presented with an award from state Rep. Wayne Ford of Des Moines. The honor recognizes their community involvement and dedication to environmental work.
The Recovery Act Is Helping Small Green Businesses Mar 25, 2010 Apollo Alliance
The Department of Energy reports that over $5 billion in Recovery Act-issued loans have gone to small clean energy businesses. The newly finalized International Green Construction Code (IGCC) was formulated by experts in government and industry responding to a lack of regional green codes.
Bright Spots From Capitol Hill's Partisan Divide Mar 25, 2010 Hill Talk
This country desperately needs to overhaul our health care system. there is no doubt about that. But Congress is also taking on another issue that is as important to the well-being of our communities: creating jobs. And unlike health care reform, which has been plagued by divisive politicking, some practical, concrete solutions to unemployment can garner support from both parties.
No Rest for the Warriors: After Health Care, the Battle Turns to Climate Change Mar 23, 2010 USA Today
Today President Obama signed health care reform into law. This is an incredible victory not just for the President and members of Congress who championed the legislation; not just for the movement of people and organizations who advocated for change.
Ohio Should Take the Lead in the Clean Energy Revolution Mar 15, 2010 Today's Energy Solutions
This past December in Copenhagen, Denmark, many voices – in many languages – called out for action to cut carbon pollution, curb global warming, and rev up the clean-energy economy. As I participated in the United Nations climate summit, I could not help but wonder whether Ohio will go “all in” on the clean-energy job revolution.
Your Take: Job Creation Begins at Home Mar 11, 2010 The Root
Today the Senate Energy Committee will begin debating a weatherization bill known as Home Star that aims to make American homes more energy efficient, while creating thousands of American jobs in the process. Home Star has the potential to significantly reduce residential energy consumption, saving consumers almost $10 billion over the next 10 years, while cutting greenhouse gas emissions by an amount equivalent to removing more than 600,000 cars from American highways.
The Black Eyed Peas Get the Green Party Started with E.N.D. Tour 2010 Mar 01, 2010 planet green
First it was the Democratic Convention, now it's the League of Conservation Voters; The Black Eyed Peas know that they have some clout when it comes to promoting political causes. But this time, it's all about going green.
The Black Eyed Peas Go Green Feb 25, 2010 Radar Online
The Black Eyed Peas are embarking on an environmental campaign, has learned, in an effort to raise awareness about climate change and a strong clean-energy economy.
Clean Energy Working in Portland Jan 27, 2010 Sightline Daily
I was in Olympia again yesterday tracking the progress of the Energy Efficiency Financing Act, a bill being considered by the Washington State Legislature. The legislation would make it easier for local governments to create innovative financing for energy efficiency retrofits in the residential sector.
Adoptions from Haiti, Melissa Harris-Lacewell, and Afghanistan Jan 25, 2010 GritTV
The Power of Dr. King's Dream Changed My Life Jan 18, 2010 globalGrind
Growing up as a child in East Oakland, CA, poverty and pollution were the backdrops of my day-to-day life. A major freeway poured exhaust fumes onto my elementary school grounds, and the creek in my backyard ran thick with waste. We were just kids, chasing tadpoles despite the stench. But I grew up fast. I lost my mother to the streets when I was only six. Soon after, I lost my father to prison.
Continuing the Movement Jan 18, 2010 Jack & Jill Politics
America is struggling. Families strive to make ends meet while facing an uncertain economic future. The deterioration of our environment – rather than slowing – continues to gain speed. At a moment when we need every opportunity possible, climate change threatens the lives and livelihoods of vulnerable people at home and around the world.
Five Who are Keeping Martin Luther King Alive Jan 14, 2010 Black Voices
Much attention is paid to Dr. Martin Luther King's 'dream,' but in the past if he only talked about blacks and whites lining up and singing "Kum Bah Yah" together. But that's the campy early '70s misinterpretation of what he stood for that was old for most of us by third grade.
We Can’t Forget the Poor in the Climate Change Debate Dec 18, 2009 Black Enterprise
As international climate talks conclude in Copenhagen, it is clear that we are on the verge of a historic moment. Today, 130 heads of state seek to reach an agreement on clear steps forward to solve the climate crisis. The significance of this moment cannot be overstated, especially for historically disadvantaged communities.
Crossroads in Copenhagen Dec 17, 2009 Yes! Magazine
"The disaster is already in progress, but we have it in our power to end this injustice." -Desmond Tutu, COP15 I am writing from Copenhagen. It is 3 a.m. and I am filled with incredibly conflicting emotions.
We're all in this together Dec 17, 2009 San Francisco Bay Guardian Online
"The disaster is already in progress, but we have it in our power to end this injustice," Desmond Tutu, COP15 So begins the email that Green for All's Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins sent from Copenhagen at 3 a.m--a message that sums up the climate change-driven disaster that everyone is facing, even if they haven't admitted it, yet.
A Model for Clean Energy: Good for the Economy & the Environment Dec 15, 2009 The Washington Times
Recently, Green For All partnered with the City of Portland on a clean-energy project. On September 30, 2009, the Portland City Council passed a resolution endorsing a groundbreaking Community Workforce Agreement that will lead to the creation of thousands of good jobs in the clean-energy economy for low-income workers.
Reflections on the Way to the Climate Change Summit Dec 15, 2009 Black Enterprise
The solution to our climate crisis and poverty are one in the same, says Green for All CEO
Not Waiting on Copenhagen Dec 15, 2009 Grist
Blacks Getting a Seat at the Green Table Dec 14, 2009 Black Enterprise spoke with Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green for All, and Gina E. Wood, the director of policy and planning at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies -- both attending the conference-- about the summit, getting blacks more involved in a green energy economy, and shaping the climate change discussion.
How I became an environmentalist: A small-town story with global implications Dec 06, 2009 MakingIt Magazine
It’s not surprising that new, popular movements and organizations are emerging in response to the ecological crisis. Climate change is the most important challenge facing humanity – and the rest of the planet – today. My story is much smaller, about one family in one town on the west coast of the United States.
Growing the Green Jobs Boom Dec 03, 2009 Green Labor Journal
What clean-energy Recovery investments mean for America's communities
The American Worker: An Endangered Species Dec 03, 2009 Huffington Post
To the iconic image of a polar bear struggling onto a crumbling ice floe, or that of a condor chick peering from its man-made nest, we must add another image: that of an American worker at his trade. Endangered species are a concern to all environmentalists, and the plight of the worker should be no different.
Nonprofit Leaders Attend Obama Jobs Forum Dec 03, 2009 The Chronicle of Philanthropy
President Obama today is holding a White House event to discuss job growth, and some charity leaders will be rubbing shoulders with executives from Google and Disney. The guest list is primarily made up of business people, union leaders, and mayors, but a few charity officials will be among the 130 or so attendees. They include Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, chief executive of Green for All, an Oakland, Calif., group focused on creating “green jobs”;
Green Jobs Movement Leaves Women Behind Dec 01, 2009 scoop/daily
A report by the U.N. released last week found that women eat more vegetables, use less fuel for travel, and are more likely to buy eco-friendly products than men. Yet in the bio-fuel and energy sectors, women comprise only 18.7 and 7.6 percent, respectively, of the total workforce in those industries. Moreover, the numbers for minority women were even lower—only 4 percent of green jobs are held by African-American or Latino women, according to a study by the Women of Color Policy Network.
Climate of denial Nov 25, 2009 Washington Post
Last weekend was a good one for climate-change deniers. A hacker stole and released scores of documents, including personal e-mail exchanges, from a server at Britain's Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, a premier climate-change research center.
Clean Energy and Good Jobs Go Hand in Hand. Nov 19, 2009 Tapped
It’s difficult for most Americans to accept data indicating an end to the recession for a simple reason – they don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Navigating the Jobs Crisis: Clean Energy and Good Jobs Go Hand in Hand Nov 19, 2009 New Deal 2.0
It’s difficult for most Americans to accept data indicating an end to the recession for a simple reason – they don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Green For All at the Green Business Conference Nov 12, 2009 Triplepundit
Many of us know the story of Green For All. It’s a beautiful congruence of old school environmentalism, sustainable economic development, and social justice. It’s one of the great feel-good stories of the new economy. So where is Green For All now? Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins spoke to the Green Business Conference about their vision for the future.
Green for All: Weatherize NYC - VIDEO Nov 06, 2009 GritTV
We often think of pollution as something that comes from factories and large corporations, but in fact much of the greenhouse gases causing climate change come from everyday homes. Green for All is leading the charge for sustainable jobs that support working people; this video from Green for All and GOOD magazine takes a look at companies weatherizing homes in New York and the benefits to consumers, workers, and the world.
Green for All’s green economy roadmap Nov 02, 2009 Mother Nature Network
Green for All, a leading green jobs advocacy organization, has released the green economy roadmap, which highlights good green jobs news from around the country.
The Story Behind The Recovery Numbers. Nov 02, 2009 Huffington Post

 That figure represents the number of jobs that have been created or saved so far through the Recovery Act, according to a report released by the Obama administration on Friday. 

But the true significance of this number lies in the people behind it.
Do Green Jobs Create Greener Americans? Oct 29, 2009 Green Inc., NY Times Blog
Most “green job” training programs aim to teach low-income workers the job skills necessary to join the nascent clean-tech economy: energy-efficiency retrofitting, wind turbine maintenance, brownfield remediation and so forth.
Offshoots of Nonprofit Groups at Work in the Green Economy Oct 28, 2009 New York Times
Mr. Casasnovas, an employee of SmartRoofs L.L.C., was doing routine maintenance on the vegetative roof, which his company installed in June 2003. The company, based in the Bronx, is one of the few green roofers in the New York metropolitan area. But what makes SmartRoofs even more unusual is that it is part of a tiny but growing trend among small businesses: for-profit ventures spun off by nonprofit groups that teach the job skills necessary to join the nascent green economy.
Weatherizing Portland Oct 28, 2009 Grist
Clean Energy Works Portland is a groundbreaking new program that enables Portland residents to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and pay for the improvements over time through their utility bills. “We wanted to have this project reflect some higher set of goals beyond just retrofitting homes and reducing carbon emissions,” said Derek Smith of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, the city’s go-to person on the Clean Energy Works Portland program. Smith of the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability said he got the idea to bring labor and training standards and community benefits into the program from being part of the Green For All “community of practice.”
Sen. Kerry to youth on climate bill: We’re gonna need your help Oct 28, 2009 Grist
On a conference call Tuesday night with young climate activists, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) served up several newsy tidbits, starting with his hint that sort-of climate news will come out of President Obama’s upcoming trip to China and that getting a bill through Congress will mean compromising with Republicans who want more nuclear energy. Kerry’s comments came on a call organized by Green For All focusing on how young people can help up the ante in demanding a clean energy future.
Color of Money Oct 21, 2009 Sightline Daily
Very few of the stimulus dollars allocated for energy efficiency -- and the green jobs they can create -- have been allocated or spent by governments. At first this might seem a bit discouraging. But Green for All, a national advocacy and action agency focused on energy efficiency and green jobs, has highlighted local stimulus spending in a recent report.
Color of Money Oct 21, 2009 Sightline Daily
Very few of the stimulus dollars allocated for energy efficiency -- and the green jobs they can create -- have been allocated or spent by governments. At first this might seem a bit discouraging. But Green for All, a national advocacy and action agency focused on energy efficiency and green jobs, has highlighted local stimulus spending in a recent report.
10 black women you should know Oct 20, 2009 The Grio
Every social movement in history has involved great women striving so that justice and equality may be achieved. Here are 10 black women who are leading the struggle for change on many of the issues affecting our community today.
UPDATED WITH AUDIOCAST LINK! Join Mayor Adams on Green for All's National Call about Portland's Innovation Oct 19, 2009
Last Thursday, Mayor Adams joined with Phaedra Ellis Lamkins, Green For All CEO and Margie Harris, Executive Director of Energy Trust of Oregon to discuss Clean Energy Works Portland on Green For All's National Call about Recovery Innovation in Portland.
Denver's aquaponics project aims to turn "food desert" into an oasis of health Oct 18, 2009 Denver Post
A dilapidated greenhouse in Denver's Elyria-Swansea neighborhood could soon sprout one of the nation's newest trends: inner-city farming using state-of-the-art technology to grow crops and fish in a single symbiotic system that mimics nature's water cycle. One of the founders of Urban Organics became inspired to start the project after a year-long fellowship at Green For All.
Just Green Jobs: Transitioning towards an environ-mental economy Oct 08, 2009 The Dominion
Organizers of the Power Shift Canada 2009 conference are looking to bring hundreds of young activists from across the country to Ottawa, from October 23-26, to discuss climate change in the run-up to the United Nations Climage Change Conference in Copenhagen this December. But along with climate change, the Ottawa conference will also be looking to empower attendees to participate in the transition to green jobs. I had the opportunity to sit down with Ben Powless, a Power Shift organizer who had just returned from the Green For All Academy in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.
Climate Equity Alliance's Walsh discusses consumer protection measures in Kerry-Boxer Oct 07, 2009 E&E News
Does the Kerry-Boxer climate bill adequately protect low- and middle-income households from rising energy prices? During today's OnPoint, Jason Walsh, national policy director at Green for All, a founding member of the Climate Equity Alliance, discusses the consumer protection provisions of the bill and explains how the distribution of allowances will affect consumers.
Music To Their Ears Sep 27, 2009 Politico Click
Wyclef Jean, the multi-platinum and Grammy award-winning artist, appeared at Saturday night's “Green the Block” launch party at Lux Lounge to push a campaign that aims to educate urban America in clean-energy opportunities.
Opportunity, Fully Funded Sep 25, 2009 Huffington Post
Yesterday, Green For All and Living Cities unveiled the Energy Efficiency Opportunity Fund alongside President Clinton, at the closing session of Clinton Global Initiative's Annual Meeting.
Aiming to Create Green Jobs and Returns Sep 25, 2009 New York Times Deal Book
A new investment fund set to launch Friday hopes to cash in on the billions of dollars set aside by the government for environmentally friendly “green” projects.
MDC students, professors pick up garbage in Liberty City Sep 20, 2009 N. Central Miami-Dade
Walking with plastic bags in their hands, student and professors from Miami Dade College's Carrie P. Meek Entrepreneurial Education Center picked up garbage to celebrate Green the Block National Day of Service on Sept. 11.
Douglass High students 'Green the block' Sep 12, 2009 Memphis Commercial Appeal
It's hard to separate Douglass High School from Douglass the North Memphis neighborhood. On Friday, Sept. 11 -- a national day of service and remembrance -- they were one as students streamed down streets of single-family homes, rapped on barred and locked doors and watched as the looks on faces changed from worry to wonder in the first "Green the Block" campaign in Memphis.
Event focuses on ‘green’ jobs, saving energy: Beshear kicks off ‘Green the Block Day’ at the Housing Authority of BG Sep 12, 2009 The Daily News
Gov. Steve Beshear came to Bowling Green on Friday to join many local organizations in promoting energy efficiency and environmentally friendly jobs. Beshear arrived Friday morning to kick off “Green the Block Day,” part of a nationwide initiative sponsored by the White House.
Group participates in 9/11 community cleanup Sep 12, 2009 The Tennessean
Murfreesboro residents joined thousands across the country for a national day of service and remembrance Friday. The event was part of Green The Block, a campaign directed by Green For All and the Hip Hop Caucus to educate and mobilize low-income communities and communities of color to ensure voice and stake in the clean-energy economy.
Residents out to Green the Block: Day of Service event celebrated Friday Sep 11, 2009
As part of President Obama’s National Day of Service, residents of the Renaissance Senior Community in Elizabeth City took part in Friday’s Green the Block, which also served as a memorial for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to event coordinator Erica Ramjohn.
This 9/11, Urban Communities Remember and Serve Sep 11, 2009 Huffington Post
This September 11th, communities are honoring those who lost their lives eight years ago by participating in service activities. Churches, schools, and community groups are holding nearly one-hundred Green the Block service events in more than 24 states.
Tire Recycling for the Community Sep 11, 2009
President Obama is calling for a national day of service in remembrance of the 9/11 attacks, and one local group is stepping up to the plate to help. The Mayor's Litter Committee recycled tires Friday afternoon as part of the National Green the Block initiative.
Green For All extends a hand to small business Sep 08, 2009 Sustainable Industries
Small businesses have a key role to play in moving toward a “green” economy, but they could use a little help, according to Green For All.
Education & awareness: Key to building the foundation for a green community Sep 05, 2009 - San Francisco
In response to the national program of greening the community, a group of educational and community-based organizations answered the call by launching the Green the Block campaign. Green the Block is a joint campaign of Green For All and the Hip Hop Caucus. Job Corps joined them in implementing the program by urging its 122 centers all over the country to participate.
4 years after Katrina: Lessons from the Gulf Coast Aug 28, 2009 Huffington Post
Four years ago, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. As the Gulf Coast struggled to keep its head above water, the rest of us were glued to the news - astounded at first by the awful destruction, and then by the inadequate response to so much human suffering. 

Environmental threats contaminate our health and prosperity Aug 18, 2009 The Grio
Heart disease, cancer and respiratory illness are three of the top four deadliest health threats in America. They account for more than half of the deaths in the nation and all three have an overwhelming impact on black communities. Blacks visit the emergency room for asthma at three and a half times the average rate that whites do, and die from it twice as often.
Green for All Launches Program to Help Green Businesses Secure Stimulus Funds Aug 18, 2009 Treehugger
Green for All is launching a couple new tools to help green investors, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs get involved in the growing clean energy economy. They're offering a free webinar on September 9th, and a comprehensive online guide to help businesses and nonprofit groups secure stimulus funding to create green jobs.
Ohio coalition pushing for clean energy jobs plan Aug 17, 2009 Chillicothe Gazette
About two months after plans were unveiled for a Clean Energy Park Alliance centered around a proposed new nuclear power plant in Piketon, a diverse coalition is strongly urging Congress to pass a comprehensive clean energy jobs plan.
Green Your Block on September 11th with Green For All & the Hip Hop Caucus Aug 10, 2009 Treehugger
Care about green jobs and greening your community? Then pay attention. Green For All and the Hip Hop Caucus have launched a new campaign: Green the Block. Their first major national service event will take place on September 11th as part of the National Day of Service and Remembrance.
Lessons from the coal industry: Using vs. Engaging communities of color Aug 05, 2009 Jack & Jill Politics
This week revealed some of the best and worst moments in the role of people of color in the struggle over our nation’s energy and economic future. First, fraudulent attempts by coal lobbyists to defeat clean energy legislation, by faking support from communities of color, were uncovered.
Obama admin teams with grassroots groups to ‘Green the Block’ Aug 05, 2009 Grist
Ensuring that low-income communities and minority youth benefit from green jobs programs is the goal of a new partnership between the White House and two grassroots organizations—Hip Hop Caucus and Green For All.
College students are flocking to sustainability degrees, careers Aug 03, 2009 USA Today
Students interested in pursuing a job in sustainability now can choose from a variety of "green" degree programs.
Audio: Green Patriot Radio with David Steinman - “Eco-Therapy, the World Water Crisis, and Building the Green Collar Economy” Jul 14, 2009 Web Talk Radio
Audio: David Steinman interviews Craig Chalquist, PhD. co-author of “Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind”, Steven Starr, producer of “Flow” (a documentary about the world’s water supply), and Jason Walsh, national policy director at Green for All.
Earning their 'green-collar' credentials Jul 14, 2009
About 150 lucky young people will form the ranks of a new Green Job Corps in San Mateo County this fall, one of several "green collar" pilot projects around the Bay Area to receive a first flush of federal stimulus dollars.
Bradley-Burns Champions Green Jobs During Lunch Keynote Jul 14, 2009 Green Economy Now
Melissa Bradley-Burns considers green jobs to be tools to rebuild communities, and she’s pursuing this mission with the nonprofit group Green for All.
Florida needs to increase clean energy jobs Jul 09, 2009 Mother Nature Network hosted a Clean Energy Jobs Day in Florida to help promote awareness about green jobs in the Sunshine State.
LTE: Clean Energy for America Jul 06, 2009
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives took an historic step last week to address America’s economic, energy and climate challenges by passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). Unfortunately, Representative Glenn Thompson voted to protect the status quo and against advancing this legislation that will unleash investment in clean energy and, for the first time, put national limits on global warming pollution.
California’s green dream Jul 06, 2009 Le Monde diplomatique
America is waking up to the reality of peak oil and climate change. In California there are very different responses to the crisis: some pin their hopes on new technology, while others advocate a radical change of lifestyle
Green-Collar Graduations Show the Promise of Stimulus Funds Jul 06, 2009
It's no secret that there is plenty of work ahead of us in moving the U.S. to a green economy. The trouble is not in finding people who need work, but rather in finding qualified and well trained workers to take on those jobs.
Green-Collar Jobs Task Force aims to help fix economy Jul 02, 2009
The high unemployment rate is even higher in distressed communities, but a task force being recommended by two Metro Council members may help relieve the economic stress by creating green jobs.
American Recovery Act turns growth green in Columbia Jul 02, 2009 Missourian
Brad McConnell was well aware of the nascent movement for energy-efficient housing when he started a contracting company last October that specializes in weatherizing homes. What he didn't foresee was the enormity of federal stimulus funding aimed at creating green-collar jobs to support the push for energy efficiency.
Congressman Ben Ray Luján praised for fighting for green job-training funds Jul 02, 2009 The New Mexico Independent
First, a vote by U.S. Rep. Harry Teague, D-Hobbs, for a controversial cap-and-trade energy bill was labeled as “the most daring of any in his caucus” in an article published in The Politico. Now, the Huffington Post is publishing a commentary that mentions U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján, D-Santa Fe, as one who joined a coalition that “successfully pushed to include key provisions in the bill — provisions that will bring economic opportunity to disadvantaged communities.”
The Clean Energy Bill Story You Haven't Heard Jun 30, 2009 The Huffington Post
In these days following the House of Representatives' passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), there's a wide range of opinions on the implications of this massive bill - particularly among progressive and environmental groups.
House Passes Landmark Climate Change Bill, Now Heads to Senate Jun 26, 2009
The U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed a sweeping climate change bill today that will significantly change the way Americans use and produce energy.
$150 billion = 1.7 million green jobs Jun 26, 2009 Mother Nature Network
A new report by Green for All looks at the effect a $150 billion investment would have on green jobs in the U.S.
$500M in Labor Department Grants Available for Green Job Training Programs Jun 24, 2009 Reuters
Grant competitions opened today for $500 million in Recovery Act funds for training programs that will help retool the U.S. workforce for a clean energy economy.
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, champion of the working American Jun 22, 2009 The Stimulist
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, the Robin Hood of Silicon Valley, is America's new Queen of Green
Report touts green investment: 2,920 jobs could be created in northern Ohio Jun 20, 2009 The Morning Journal
Investing $290 million in clean energy projects would create 2,920 jobs around northern Ohio, according to a new report.
Green projects create extra benefits - jobs Jun 19, 2009 The Tennessean
Reports cite value of investments
Two reports see jobs boon in spending on clean energy Jun 19, 2009 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Two reports released Thursday project that if $150 billion were spent annually on clean energy rather than fossil fuels, the United States would see a net gain of 1.7 million jobs each year.
Report: Clean energy could create 39K jobs in Tenn. Jun 19, 2009 Nashville Business Journal
Tennessee could create some 39,000 jobs and bring in $3 billion in investment revenue as the result of a $150 billion investment in a clean energy economy, according to two reports released Thursday.
Reports: Clean-energy shift adds jobs Jun 19, 2009 The News-Sentinel
State could get 38,000, environmental groups say.
Report: Clean energy bill would produce jobs, boost economy Jun 19, 2009 Missourinet
As clean energy and climate legislation moves through Congress, new data show that a $2.9 billion investment would create 36,000 new jobs in Missouri.
More Studies Extol Virtues of Green Jobs Jun 18, 2009 The New York Times
Following on the heels of a study from the Pew Charitable Trusts last week, two more reports from a broad coalition of environmental groups and research institutes suggest that clean-energy investments have the potential to kick-start the economy and employ millions of workers — particularly those at the lower end of the economic scale.
Low-income communities and the clean energy bill Jun 18, 2009 Jack & Jill Politics
In “Green Prosperity”, top economists further confirm what we already know: Investments in clean energy are good for low-income people and the U.S economy.
Report: Las Vegas could be magnet for green jobs Jun 18, 2009 Las Vegas Sun
Clean energy emphasis could produce 5,000 new jobs, says report
Clean-Energy Investment Could Boost Arkansas Economy, Reports Say Jun 18, 2009
Several environmental and energy groups released reports Thursday that detail what clean energy and climate legislation moving through Congress could mean for the state.
Green Economy Investments Bring 300 Percent More Jobs, Reports Find Jun 18, 2009
Two new reports on the impacts of moving to a low-carbon economy show putting money toward energy efficiency, building retrofits and renewable energy projects can create 1.7 million new jobs, significantly more than the same investment in fossil fuel industries.
Will clean energy hurt low-income Americans? Jun 18, 2009 Anderson Cooper 360
A common argument among opponents of strong climate and energy legislation is that transitioning to clean energy will hurt the economy and low-income Americans.
Green Jobs Take Youth Miles High Jun 18, 2009 Sojourners
When La’Kyla Byrd cleared trails and tended to trees in Denver’s City Park this past year as a member of Mile High Youth Corps, she also cleared a path for herself and three siblings out of the violent and drug-infested neighborhood of their childhood into college and service-oriented futures.
New reports highlight Florida clean energy job creation and impact of cap and trade legislation Jun 17, 2009, St. Petersburg Times
Several new studies this week indicate that clean energy investments will bring benefits in Florida for job creation, consumer savings and economic opportunities. Another report says any negative economic impact from federal cap and trade legislation to limit heat-trapping gases, will be "very modest or even negligible."
Green collar job creation 'outstripped traditional sectors in US' Jun 10, 2009
Report on US job figures up to 2007 also says wind and solar sectors resisting recession better than traditional manufacturing
Expanded Coalitions Support U.S. Climate Bill Jun 08, 2009 Worldwatch Institute
In an effort to broaden support for sweeping climate legislation, environmentalists are forming atypical alliances with other progressive social organizations.
GM's Fall Can Become Green Economy's Rise Jun 03, 2009
"De-carbonizing" the US economy means slashing our reliance on fossil energy to drive job growth and wealth, and replacing it with naturally-replenished, clean energy sources and materials.
Morning Joe: Turning America Green Jun 01, 2009 MSNBC
Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins on Morning Joe.
Biden takes stage to tout green economy May 29, 2009 Colorado Statesman
Vice President Joe Biden was back in Denver Tuesday touting the middle class and the rise of “green collar” jobs for Americans hit hardest by the economic recession.
Frito-Lay's SunChips Brand and National Geographic Team With Eco Ambassadors to Celebrate People Taking Small Steps for Big Change May 29, 2009 CNBC
SunChips, a brand of Frito-Lay North America, a division of PepsiCo, and National Geographic announced today that environmental experts and green champions, along with American consumers, will help determine the winners of its "Green Effect" national contest, now underway.
Helping the Earth can profit you, too May 21, 2009 The Free Lance-Star,
Germanna holds conference on green jobs
Local teacher, social advocate to speak in D.C. May 19, 2009 Seattle PI
Help save the environment, give jobs to society's forgotten men and jump-start the economy. All at the same time. It's a big task, but that's what Bob Markholt is trying to do.
San Francisco Moves Ahead with Plans to Build 5MW Solar Farm May 15, 2009
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- San Francisco took a major step today toward building California's largest solar photovoltaic system -- a plan that would more than triple the city's solar energy output by carpeting the rooftop of its biggest reservoir with almost 25,000 panels.
Former mechanic looking to find a "green-collar job" May 12, 2009 The Power of 7
NEOSHO, MO. - With layoffs and stores closing, working adults are looking for alternative job options. One Neosho mechanic found his alternative in energy resources. Jeff Glenn is a husband, father, and had a career as a mechanic all his life until he was layed off earlier this year. "In the back of your mind it's 'I need to go back to school because that's where the jobs are,'" he says. Jeff enrolled in Crowder College, he's learning skills that will ready him for a job in alternative energy, a growing field.
Top 9 green video blogs May 07, 2009 Mother Nature Network
Go green YouTube-style with these great green video blogs.
A green jobs charter high school May 04, 2009 Mother Nature Network
Phoenix may soon get funding for a combined charter school and community college campus that focuses on green jobs training.
First 100 Days: Green power energy initiatives may light up the L.A. job market Apr 29, 2009 Los Angeles Wave
Growing energy needs across the Southland are shaping the region’s future, and President Obama’s agenda is providing opportunities in several arenas.
Green-collar Jobs: Equal Pay for Equal Work Apr 28, 2009 Huffington Post
Today is Equal Pay Day, a national day of awareness to draw attention to the lingering gap between women's and men's wages.
Will a Greener World Be Fairer, Too? Apr 24, 2009 Solve Climate
The impact of climate legislation stretches well beyond the environment. Climate policy will significantly impact jobs, energy prices, entrepreneurial opportunities, and more.
Inslee-Sarbanes Clean Energy Service Corps Becomes Law Apr 23, 2009 American Chronicle
Getting in on the Green Ground Floor Apr 22, 2009 The Root
African Americans have traditionally been last in line for America’s economic advances. The burgeoning green movement offers an opportunity to change that.
(No) Drill, Baby, Drill Apr 17, 2009 New York Times
Liberia, Costa Rica. Sailing down Costa Rica’s Tempisque River on an eco-tour, I watched a crocodile devour a brown bass with one gulp. It took only a few seconds. The croc’s head emerged from the muddy waters near the bank with the footlong fish writhing in its jaws. He crunched it a couple of times with razor-sharp teeth and then, with just the slightest flip of his snout, swallowed the fish whole. Never saw that before.
Imported Lies: Debunking the Spanish Green Jobs Smear Apr 16, 2009 Switchboard
Spain is a country known for its romance, wine and bullfighting. But when it comes to economics and green jobs, it seems we're getting more bull than much else.
Climate Equity Hits Home Apr 16, 2009 Good Magazine
The great tragic irony of climate change is that the worst suffering and biggest burden will fall upon the most innocent people. That is to say that those least responsible for the greenhouse gasses accumulating in our atmosphere are most vulnerable to the harmful effects of a warming planet. It is also to say that, if solutions aren’t approached prudently, the poor—the very people who have done the least to cause the problem—will pay a disproportionately high price as we transition towards a new low-carbon world.
Retraining America's workforce Mar 30, 2009 Sustainable Industries
With the national unemployment rate continuing to trudge upward and dismal economic news stealing the headlines daily, a record number of Americans are deciding to hit the books. Post-secondary education is luring thousands of laid-off workers with the promise of readying them for jobs in the highly touted “green” jobs sector.
From Pollution-Based to Inclusively Green Mar 19, 2009 Black Enterprise
With the American Recovery and Investment Act allotting millions of dollars in support of green-collar training, weatherization, and more energy-efficient infrastructure, now is a ripe time for minority entrepreneurs to jump into an industry that can not only help communities, but be good for bottom lines.
A mal tiempo, empleo verde Mar 17, 2009 El Mundo
Dan las doce en el reloj de Richmond (California) y los futuros currantes verdes hacen un alto en la jornada. Humberto Vázquez, que trabajaba como repartidor de DHL hasta que golpeó la crisis, aprende ahora a instalar placas fotovoltaicas. Lefario Hall, que mascaba el tiempo en una tienda de ultramarinos a nueve dólares la hora, aspira a convertirse en experto en eficiencia energética. Michelle Hayhurst, curtida en una fábrica de azulejos, reivindica el papel de las mujeres en la nueva economía verde.
A Labor Leader for Good Jobs and a Clean Environment Mar 17, 2009 New America Media
An interview with new Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Cindy Chavez likely to replace Ellis-Lamkins as South Bay Labor Council leader Mar 10, 2009 Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal
The South Bay AFL–CIO Labor Council said Tuesday that Executive Officer Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins has resigned and will likely be replaced by former San Jose City Councilmember and Vice-Mayor Cindy Chavez.
Retirees become Isles unto others at nonprofit Mar 09, 2009 NJ Biz
The Trenton nonprofit Isles manages a diverse portfolio of programs, from its YouthBuild alternative high school that guides at-risk teens into careers, to the home rehab program that’s housed hundreds of urban families and the financial self-reliance program that makes microloans to fledgling businesses.
Stimulus can energize Asheville's green economy Mar 09, 2009 Citizen Times
ASHEVILLE – In the green industry of tomorrow, electricians will wire solar panels with the aid of instructions loaded into an iPod.
Pelosi pitches green message in SF Mar 07, 2009 ABC Local
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thinks going green is the key to helping California out of its spiraling unemployment. She met with local leaders Saturday to explain her plan.
Growing excitement, expectations for green jobs corps Mar 02, 2009
Youth Find Hope in Economic Climate Shift Mar 02, 2009 Truth Out
An estimated 10,000 young people descended on Washington over the weekend to press lawmakers to take action on climate change and to support the burgeoning green economy. The four-day conference known as Powershift 09 culminates today with a keynote address by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a day of lobbying Congress members on issues ranging from reducing carbon emissions to creating green jobs.
Moving on a 'clean energy corps' Feb 28, 2009 Times Union
Group urges U.S. Rep. Tonko to help create federal program
Green jobs are a way to aid the middle class Feb 27, 2009 The Philadelphia Inquirer
Today, in Philadelphia, the White House Task Force on Middle Class Families is holding its inaugural meeting. Our charge is to assess current polices and develop new ones aimed at helping the middle class, the economic engine of this country.
Kentucky's 'clean energy corps' to weatherize 10,000 homes Feb 26, 2009 Courier Journal
State officials will launch a "clean energy corps" in Lexington today, seeking to provide "weatherization on steroids" to as many as 10,000 low-income households in Kentucky.
Corzine lauds green-collar jobs training at program launch in Trenton Feb 24, 2009
TRENTON — Gov. Jon S. Corzine today helped launch a training program that will create hundreds of so-called green-collar jobs for high school graduates.
Social justice groups watching how $787B is distributed Feb 18, 2009 New Haven Register
For decades, government researchers, scholars, foundations and nonprofits have documented racial disparities across income, educational attainment, homeownership, wealth accumulation, health status, incarceration and employment, a report released Tuesday notes.
NC green power jobs expected to grow from stimulus Feb 18, 2009
The $787 billion federal stimulus package signed into law Tuesday was expected to mean more than $163 million in spending on North Carolina energy efficiency projects in the next two years, money that could pump new life into businesses that offer energy alternatives.
Building Green Houses for the Poor Feb 17, 2009 Time Magazine
Green, clean and energized in Pa. Feb 07, 2009 Philadelphia Inquirer
The talk was of job opportunities, worker training programs, and a flourishing state economy. One manager from a Kennett Square firm said her clean-energy company was hiring - and expanding - throughout the United States.
Palm Beach Community College's 'green' degree offers hope to jobless Feb 06, 2009 Palm Beach Post
It fell to Palm Beach Community College Associate Dean Sam Freas to explain the school's new Electrical Power Technology degree during a recent open house for prospective students. But what the booming Philadelphia native really peddled was hope.
SCENE & HEARD: Recycling can also help restore people Feb 05, 2009 Idaho Statesman
What do you see when you look at an empty wine bottle? Is it an item to be cast aside, added to the piles of other discarded items removed from our view?
Tennessee goes green Feb 03, 2009 Chatanooga Times Free Press
States eager to tap conservation, renewable energy
Doing the Recovery Right Jan 28, 2009 The Nation
For most of the past generation, the aims of environmental sustainability and social justice were seen as equally worthy, yet painfully and unavoidably in conflict. Tree huggers and spotted owls were pitted against loggers and hard hats. Fighting global warming was held to inevitably worsen global poverty and vice versa. Indeed, the competing demands of the environmental and social justice agendas were frequently cited as a classic example of how public policy choices were fraught with trade-offs and unintended consequences--how you could end up doing harm while seeking only to do good.
Tapping green-collar job opportunities in Colorado Jan 27, 2009 Denver Energy Careers Examiner
Green jobs as a silver lining Jan 27, 2009 Indy Week
California shows 'green' emerging as contributor to growth, group says Jan 25, 2009 LA Times
Eco-industry jobs are expanding faster than other areas, according to a report by Next 10.
Top Youth Activism Victories of 2008 Dec 30, 2008 The Nation
Opinion: Department of Green Labor Dec 22, 2008 Worldwatch Institute
We need to position state for 'green jobs' Dec 21, 2008 The Tennessean
Students plan green makeover for old factory Dec 18, 2008 Princeton Weekly Bulletin
The “Green Gold Rush!” Here comes the green jobs! Dec 16, 2008 Denver Jobs Examiner
During mid-summer, our nation’s gas prices soared to $4 per-gallon which led to a wide-spread discussion about a “Green Gold Rush” through the creation of new green industries to combat our country’s reliance on foreign oil.
Up on the Roof, New Jobs in Solar Power Dec 13, 2008 New York Times
Move over, Joe the Plumber. Spencer the Solar Panel Installer is here: “Sometimes I’m 50 feet up on a steep roof and it’s so hot the tar is melting onto the bottoms of my sneakers, but I’m excited because I’m helping the environment.”
A new runway model Dec 11, 2008 Burbank Leader
Hangar 25 at Bob Hope Airport features several environmentally friendly features that officials hope others will copy.
‘Green’ grants coming to Brockton Dec 09, 2008 Brockton Enterprise News
Clean energy companies, community-based nonprofit groups, educational institutions and labor organizations are among those eligible for the $1 million that will be allocated for new “green collar” job-training grants in MA.
Obama Embraces ‘Green Path’ in Stimulus Plan to Aid Environment Dec 02, 2008
President-elect Barack Obama is considering a stimulus package that will include a heavy dose of spending on environmentally friendly projects aimed at creating “green-collar jobs” and saving energy.
Green-collar jobs: latest studies Nov 30, 2008 Daily Journal - IL
Thanks to the recent presidential election where candidates U.S. Sen. John McCain and President-elect Barack Obama pegged some of their economic recovery plans on reducing independence on foreign oil and creating jobs in the renewable energy sector, the "green economy" movement has taken on new life.
The O Corps Nov 17, 2008 Slate
Obama is creating a new kind of public service. (With a little help from Roosevelt and Kennedy.)
Growing green jobs: Scope of ‘green-collar’ work increases faster than other sectors Nov 14, 2008 Kansas City Business Journal
“There’s an enormous amount of energy-efficiency work that needs to be done in our region,” Crawford said. “There’s a work force that just has to be developed for these projects.” The scope of so-called green-collar job opportunities stretches across industries, from labor positions to executive roles.
A Splash of Green for the Rust Belt Nov 02, 2008 The New York Times
LIKE his uncle, his grandfather and many of their neighbors, Arie Versendaal spent decades working at the Maytag factory here, turning coils of steel into washing machines. When the plant closed last year, taking 1,800 jobs out of this town of 16,000 people, it seemed a familiar story of American industrial decline: another company town brought to its knees by the vagaries of global trade.
The nexus of clean energy and green jobs Oct 22, 2008 New Mexico Independent
John McCain and Barack Obama agree that global warming is man-made, and both want to find a way to reverse its course. McCain emphasizes nuclear energy — which does not emit any global warming carbon dioxide — as the solution, advocating a substantial number of new nuclear plants by 2030.
Green Collar Job Training Program Focuses on At-risk Youth Oct 10, 2008 Renewable Energy World
The city of Santa Fe has found that two of its problems, a high percentage of high school drop outs and a lack of green collar workers, have the same solution -- a green collar job training program that recruits from a pool of at risk youths.
Will either candidate admit we need a 2nd bailout? Oct 08, 2008 Anderson Cooper 360
With our economic crises mounting, Americans are desperate for some bold, comprehensive and holistic solutions. Will either candidate propose them? Here are three questions that I hope both candidates are asked.
'Green jobs' a draw at Miami Dade College event Oct 03, 2008 Miami Herald
Activists from Democracia USA gathered at MDC North Campus as part of a larger campaign to petition the federal government for new 'green jobs.'
Now For A Green Bailout: Twice The Bang, Half The Bucks Oct 03, 2008 Huffington Post
Maybe the Wall Street bailout package is a good idea. But the only thing I know for sure is this: even if we avert a total economic meltdown, we will still be in a recession. Millions of Americans still will be without jobs -- or in real fear of losing their job. Worse, we will still be dependent on dirty fuels like oil and coal, which are draining our monetary resources and cooking the planet.
Going green Sep 30, 2008 The Gazette
Community learns how to make environmentally friendly home upgrades
How to find a green job Sep 30, 2008
In the new century: Energy Security IS National Security Sep 27, 2008 Anderson Cooper 360
Tonight the contenders for the U.S. presidency are scheduled to debate U.S. foreign policy. Maybe they will show up; maybe they won’t. But if they do come, on their way to the debate site, they literally will drive past the biggest threat to our national security. To see the biggest gun aimed at the heads of the American people, Senators Obama and McCain need look no farther than the local gas station.
Could Newark flower as eco-city? Sep 14, 2008 The Star-Ledger
For Newark Mayor Cory Booker, promoting sustainable economic development in the city would not only reduce harm to the environment but would also address some of the city's major problems.
In Support of a New (Green) Deal Sep 10, 2008 New York Times
Investing in clean energy could create four times as many jobs as investing in the oil industry, according to a report issued on Tuesday by the Sierra Club, United Steelworkers, the Blue Green Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council and Audubon New York. And clean energy investment would result in about three times the number of good-paying jobs, those that pay at least $16 an hour, according to the report, which was written by the Center for American Progress and the Political Economy Research Institute.
Environmentalists, unions call for green-jobs plan Sep 09, 2008 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A new report by an unusual coalition of environmental and labor groups seeks to plant a seed for a national, $100 billion public and private investment in an environmentally friendly, low-carbon economy that would grow 2 million new jobs over two years.
We Can Prevent Energy Disaster Aug 17, 2008
Too often in our history, national transformations are born only of great calamities. The New Deal arose from the Great Depression, our manufacturing sector matured during World War II and the end of slavery required a Civil War. Fortunately, the situation today is reversed: We can transform our country and prevent a calamity by moving now toward a clean energy economy.
We Can Build An Inclusive Green Economy Jun 06, 2008 The Wonk Room
This morning, Senate debate on the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act came to an end. It was a missed opportunity to robustly debate a critical issue facing the country. The bill had the potential, particularly if strengthened during the amendment process, to affect profound and positive change for both the American people and the planet.
Report states millions of U.S. workers to be in demand for green jobs Jun 04, 2008 The Munster Times
Shifting from the "dirty fossil-fuel-based" economy to one of clean energy would be a boost for millions of American workers, according to a report released Tuesday by a coalition of conservation and labor groups. The report, "Job Opportunities for the Green Economy," studied employment conditions in 12 states including Indiana, looking at a range of occupations and income levels that would benefit from America's transition toward a clean energy economy.
Green industries offer job growth opportunity May 27, 2008
When a Republican candidate for president starts talking about limiting greenhouse gases during a speech at a wind turbine plant you know there’s an environmental wave going on. All the presidential candidates, including John McCain who spoke about climate change at a wind energy facility in Oregon this month, have green initiatives on their agendas, and states across the country are embarking on initiatives to cut pollution and a reliance on fossil fuels. Not to mention homeowners who don’t want to be at the mercy of electric and oil companies. Solar, wind and biofuels are all growing alternatives, and these fairly young industries will need people — people to produce, install and sell their products. That means a wave of employment opportunities — so-called green-collar jobs — could sweep the nation.
What Is a Green-Collar Job, Exactly? May 26, 2008 Time
What do presidential candidates John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have in common — aside from the obvious? They all love green-collar jobs. Obama promises to spend $150 billion over 10 years to create 5 million new green collar jobs. Clinton references the term repeatedly on the trail, and says her energy plan will create millions of new green-collar jobs as well. McCain is less willing to cite numbers, but he too assures campaign audiences that action to decarbonize America's economy will produce "thousands, millions of new jobs in America."
Pink slip leads to green-collar job May 25, 2008 Detroit Free Press
After getting pink-slipped a second time by an auto supplier thanks to the woeful economy, David Shaw shifted gears. "I'd had it with auto manufacturing," said Shaw, 48, a married father of two young children who lives in Harrison Township. "I wasn't sure what I would do next but knew I wanted to be in control of my own destiny for a change." Shaw spent months weighing options and kept coming back to one thing: alternative energy. With oil prices marching higher and society focused on being green, he figured that would be more recession-proof.
Green jobs coming to Albuquerque May 20, 2008 The New Mexico Independent
On Wednesday of last week Mayor Martin Chávez signed a “Green Jobs Pledge” at the ICLEI summit, held in Albuquerque, committing the city to invest in community-based jobs training to ensure a skilled local workforce for emerging green industries. The green jobs pledge signed by the mayor was developed in part by the folks at Green For All, who also provided help with the creation of the city council initiative. Such across the board agreement bodes well for the future of Albuquerque workers, as well as the companies who depend on them.
Global Green Jobs May 16, 2008 Foreign Policy in Focus
“Green-collar jobs” are a hot topic these days. This is good news, certainly, for those who seek to alter our present course toward climate catastrophe. Greater awareness of the promise of a green economy allows us to challenge the too-familiar framing of “jobs vs. the environment” that has defeated so many attempts at environmental protection.
End Crab Fishery, Plant Trees May 04, 2008 The Baltimore Sun
Too many creeks on farms are still as they were from Colonial times - stripped of their arboreal canopies and degraded by runoff and cow manure. Create leafy buffers along streams, and you improve water quality there and, eventually, downstream in the bay. This kind of thing could be going on across the nation, if funds were available for the establishment of a green work force. That's what's being advocated by Green For All, a campaign to get local, state and federal governments to fund job training and new opportunities in an emerging "green economy," particularly for the nation's poor. They want to lift people out of poverty and fight pollution at the same time.
Greening of the masses Apr 22, 2008 Chicago Tribune
Though the term "green collar" might be applied to anyone employed in a job that benefits the environment, it has come to more specifically designate the masses of blue-collar workers who will be weatherizing homes, building hybrid cars and manufacturing and erecting wind turbines. Advocates expect the green-collar workforce to be an important part of the nation's economy as more homeowners and businesses move toward conservation and renewable energy. The green gigs could replace manufacturing jobs lost to overseas labor, advocates say, and they are likely to resist outsourcing, as someone in India can't very well install a solar panel on a building in Chicago.
Why S.F. should shelve 'peaker plants' idea Apr 22, 2008
We are facing a major decision - whether to spend a quarter of a billion dollars on new fossil-fuel burning power plants in our city, or to initiate a program that provides incentives to install solar on rooftops citywide. The juxtaposition of approving polluting power plants while stalling a modest solar program puts at risk San Francisco's reputation as an innovator and leader in climate change.
Sustaining The Dream Apr 14, 2008
The first weekend in April, I had a chance to make history. I don’t believe that most Emory students save the eleven that came along could say that. For the Emory dozen, the weekend began early, midnight on Thursday to be exact, at the Morehouse College campus with 91 other college students from five other Atlanta universities. There, we boarded two buses to Memphis — we were going to a conference to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and to introduce a new message.
It's Not Easy Being Green-Collar Apr 14, 2008 Forbes
It's been hard to miss the U.S. presidential candidates talking about it on the campaign trail, and you'll hear a lot more between now and November. With Earth Day coming up, the rhetoric from Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain--and, before he dropped out, John Edwards--on the need for a program of economic revival that embraces environmental sustainability has been striking to say the least.
Green Jobs Will Require New Skills Among Workers Apr 11, 2008 The State Journal
Green is the new blue when it comes to job skills and job security. The blue-collar jobs that have long supported a strong American middle class -- jobs for electricians, plumbers and transportation and manufacturing workers of all kinds -- are getting a green update. It's a nationwide movement to refresh the traditional trades with training in 21st century knowledge and skills.
The faces of green Apr 10, 2008 Grist
The hopeful skeptic in me was the part most drawn to The Dream Reborn conference hosted by Green For All last weekend in Memphis. So once I arrived, I stuck to what I deemed the practical path, sessions with titles like "Show Me the Money" and "Green-Collar Job Training Programs: Examples and Models" that would delineate exactly how to make this green economy happen.
Let's not wait for the blooming of another Rose Apr 10, 2008 The Commerical Appeal
The anniversary last week of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis brought a sold-out convention of over a thousand students, community and environmental activists, planners and scientists who are looking at ways to create new jobs in a green economy that is coping with global warming and environmental challenges. What our basketball team can't do for this city, the Memphis Regional Chamber can do. For starters, it can build community pride and economic growth by leading this city's power structure into working alliances with the environmental jobs convention organizers, Green For All, and other such vanguard efforts.
Past and Present Apr 10, 2008 Memphis Flyer Online
Forty and counting: the dubious merits of being America's civil rights city. At a University of Memphis forum last week commemorating the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, a young man in the audience asked the panelists if Memphis was forever stuck in 1968.
Getting together for green jobs Apr 05, 2008 Grist
Yesterday in Memphis, a crowd stood outside the Lorraine Motel to quietly honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the place where he died 40 years ago. All day long, it rained.
A dream reborn Apr 04, 2008 Grist
The following are my introductory remarks to the Dream Reborn conference, beginning today and running through the weekend in Memphis, Tenn. Forty years ago today, on April 4, 1968, a sniper assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King had come to Memphis, Tennessee, to aid striking sanitation workers. The preeminent civil rights leader of his time, he was only 39 years old.
Millions of Jobs of a Different Collar Mar 26, 2008 The New York Times
Everyone knows what blue-collar and white-collar jobs are, but now a job of another hue — green — has entered the lexicon.
A Green Corps Mar 24, 2008 The Nation
We usually talk about New Deal programs in terms of their effect on the mood of Americans--they restored hope, they gave people back their dignity and so on. . . For my money, that's the kind of work that needs doing now, as we face a crisis even greater than the Depression: the quick unraveling of the planet's climate system in the face of our endless emissions of carbon dioxide.
The Evergreen State in more than name Mar 09, 2008 Seattle Times
NO more good intentions. Washington state is committed to a purposeful response to climate change.
Legislature: One serious hope Mar 07, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Washington state is taking climate change much more seriously. That's a critical step to improve our environment, health and future. At least as much as any environmental control action we recall, it's also an immensely hopeful, optimistic action.
America's Green Policy Vacuum Feb 11, 2008 Business Week
Without a fully funded, federal alternative energy policy, the U.S. risks squandering the potential of a powerful economic engine and will continue to depend on foreign energy resources.
Gov. Gregoire announces bill to fight climate change, create jobs Jan 14, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer
SEATTLE -- Gov. Chris Gregoire on Monday proposed legislation to direct the state Department of Ecology to design a regional cap and trade market for carbon emissions, require annual emissions reporting by all major generators of greenhouse gases, and create training programs for "green collar jobs."
Cities Cultivate 2 Types Of Green Dec 12, 2007 USA TODAY
Squatting on the roof of a row house with a panoramic view of the sewage plants and warehouses that surround the South Bronx, James Wells sounds like a tree-hugger. He photographs the progress of seedlings he planted on the roof, one of his first "green roof" installations, and explains how roofs covered by soil and plants, more trees on the ground and cleaner parks are key to fighting the pollution that overwhelms the neighborhood. As he speaks, a pungent rotting smell emanates from a sewage plant.
House Energy Bill To Boost Green Job Training Aug 07, 2007
The House of Representatives passed a sweeping energy bill Saturday that included a provision directing millions of dollars toward training a "green" workforce The Green Jobs Act of 2007 would authorize as much as $125 million a year for the national and state program to train workers in areas such as biofuel development, energy efficient buildings, renewable power, solar panel installation and energy efficient cars.
Oakland Gives Nod To 'Green Collar' Vision Jun 13, 2007 Oakland Tribune
Oakland may become the nation's first city with a "Green Jobs Corps" of workers trained in such areas as bio-fuels manufacturing and solar panel installation in an anti-poverty program that won significant city approval Tuesday. After some 150 people from various nonprofits and government agencies rallied in front of City Hall for "green jobs" creation, the public works committee of the Oakland City Council voted to ask the full council to provide $250,000 to start the program.