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Top 9 green video blogs

By Karl Burkhart
Mother Nature Network

Go green YouTube-style with these great green video blogs.

In preparation for the launch of my very own green video blog on GreenDig, I cruised the web looking for video blogs that showcase the latest and greatest in green media.
Surprisingly green video blogs are few and far between. My criteria included frequency (at least 1 post per month ... I know, not too frequent but beggars can't be choosers) and recent activity (a post within the last month) and some level of consistency in the quality of the content (no reposting). The cardinal rule of video blogging is a run time between 2-5 minutes, but I have pushed the upper limit an additional 3 minutes to allow for a few great contenders.
In case you are unfamiliar with the term, here is a brief history of the video blog:
Video blogs (or vlog in geek speak, pronounced "v-log") exploded onto the web even before the YouTube revolution of user-generated media (UGM). An early precedent-setting vlog was Rocketboom which debuted to much fanfare and over 100,000 daily viewers. Amanda Peet's informal delivery of the day's top news stories (and a slightly clingy angora sweater) created a whole new way of thinking about the news.
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