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Growing the Green Jobs Boom

By Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Green Labor Journal

What clean-energy Recovery investments mean for America's communities

In February 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, one of his first major accomplishments as President.  This $787 billion stimulus package is aimed at revitalizing the U.S. economy – including investing approximately $150 billion in clean-energy projects.

With half of this money now allocated to cities and states, one might ask, where have the clean-energy investments been made? What jobs and opportunities have they created? And ultimately, the core question, is the Recovery working?

Where have the clean-energy investments been made?

Significant Recovery funds have gone to energy-efficiency ─ the clean-energy field with perhaps the greatest potential to make an immediate impact on three key goals: creating jobs, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and helping low-income communities.

Major energy-efficiency investments from the Recovery Act include $5 billion to the Weatherization Assistance Program, which weatherizes low-income homes; $3.2 billion to the Energy Efficiency and Conversation Block Grant Program, which gives moneys to states, counties, and cities to invest in energy-efficiency; $3.1 billion to the State Energy Program, which allows states to increase energy efficiency and invest in renewable energy; and $500 million to the Green Jobs Act, which funds worker training and builds pathways out of poverty by enabling entry onto the green career ladder for disadvantaged populations.

You can see a state-by-state breakdown of where this funding is going on Green For All’s web site.

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