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Partner w/Workforce Development Expertise

Up to Importance of partnerships in qualifying for training grants

Partner w/Workforce Development Expertise

Posted by Janet Marinaccio at August 03. 2009

As you craft your DOL Pathways out of Poverty grant proposal, if you are seeking a partner that has strong workforce development (WFD) experience, you may wish to reach out to the Goodwill that serves your community, or if you want to be a partner on a project with another more expereinced local organization as the lead.

Goodwill Industries, made up of 167 independent nonprofits in North American (160 U.S. and 7 Canada) is a national leader in WFD.   Some of our member sites are electing to apply for a national award under Goodwill Industries International (GII), others are seeking to be the lead on a local project, still others would prefer to be a partner on a local project rather than a lead.  However you slice it, there are opportunities to potentially partner with the Goodwill in your area.

To find your local Goodwill and find out what will be their involvement with Green Jobs and Pathways out of Poverty, you can either Google your city name and the word "Goodwill" or go to to search by zip code.  Note that the locator will give you all of the store locations, as well as the headquarters. Please be sure to use the contact information for the headquarters. 

Good luck!

Janet Marinaccio

GII National Workforce Development Consultant

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