Green for All is grateful to all of our skilled advisers for the roles they play in supporting our Mission.
Joel Rogers | Senior Policy Advisor
Joel Rogers is a professor of law, political science, and sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he also directs the Center for State Innovation and COWS, the national high road think-and-do tank and service center. Another MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Newsweek identified him as one of the 100 Americans most likely to shape US politics and culture in the 21st century. Joel was a co-founder and first chair of the Apollo Alliance, the national coalition of labor, business, community, and environment groups seeking sustainable American energy independence within ten years with a fair sharing of its economic benefits. Joel and COWS are currently heading up a major green jobs and pathways out of poverty project in Milwaukee, which aims at a comprehensive retrofit of that city's building stock. The hope is develop a market tested business model that can leverage public dollars with significant private capital and be applied to any city. The project is expected to generate at least 7,000 person years of employment. This will be sourced locally, with a preference for the poor.
Leda Dederich | Organizational Development and Online Advisor

Leda Dederich is a veteran technology strategist who has managed online campaigns and Web sites for the nonprofit and political sector since 1995.
Leda founded ScoutSeven and dotOrganize to address the need for online capacity building support in the nonprofit, social change sector.
Some previous projects include serving as Online Campaign Manager for California gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington, collaborating with the Israeli-based Agenda to deliver trainings to Israeli and Palestinian social change organizations, and implementing the 2004 online campaign strategy for the League of Young Voters.
Through 2002, Leda managed the day-to-day operations of the award-winning, an online magazine for independent journalism. She has also worked as a graphic design instructor, media strategist, and community organizer.
Leda holds an honors degree in Comparative Literature from the University of California at Berkeley.