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Resources for Educators, Students, Job Seekers & Trainers

We set up this page to provide resources for attendees of the National Education Alliance Conference.

This collection of resources and tools is organized for specific audiences: Educators, Students, Job Seekers, and Job Training and Service Program Providers.


Green Collar Jobs Overview
A job that does something for the planet, and little to nothing for the people or the economy, is not a green-collar job. Learn more about the characteristics that define a true green collar job.


Green Collar Jobs Campaign Teaching Tools, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
This five-part series is designed for use in high school classrooms. These interactive activities explore key themes surrounding Green-Collar Jobs Campaign's work, including: the green economy, eco-equity and eco-privilege, model cities, and restorative justice.


Book and Video Study Guide for  "The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Solve Our Two Biggest Problems"
We hope book groups, classrooms, and community groups can use these tools to educate and inform their communities about real solutions that can lift people out of poverty and save the earth at the same time.


Video: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins discusses the Green Prosperity report

This video explains how clean-energy policies can fight poverty and raise living standards.




"Green Prosperity: How Clean-Energy Policies Can Fight Poverty and Raise Living Standards in the United States"
This is a new report from the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (PERI), commissioned by Green For All and NRDC. The report finds that investments in a clean energy economy can significantly drive down the unemployment rate and provide job opportunities to Americans across all skill and education levels.


Green-Collar Jobs in America's Cities
This report outlines strategies for developing green-collar job initiatives and pathways out of poverty at the local level. Created in partnership with the Apollo Alliance, Center for American Progress, and the Center on Wisconsin Strategy.



Video: Green Anthem

Get pumped about going green!  Check out this inspiring video created by Green For All Academy Fellows, Tem Blessed and Ben Gilbarg.


Green For All Academy
The Green for All Academy trains leaders and gives them the tools they need to communicate the promise of the green economy and to engage disadvantaged communities in support of green jobs and climate protection strategies.


Green Jobs Icon
Take a Stand for People and Planet. Be the face of the movement. Create your own Green Jobs Icon.


What is the Green Wave?
Not so long ago, "green" was a term used just by environmentalists and activists. But these days "green" is everywhere. What is "green"? Why do people suddenly care so much? What impact is all of this attention having? Find out on this page created by our sister organization, Ella Baker Center.


Video: Stories from The Green Collar Economy

We teamed up with Free Range Studios to tell the stories of ordinary Americans who are rolling up their sleeves and getting to work, building a green collar economy. These are the heroes and sheroes of this generation.

In this video:  Orrin Williams and the folks at Growing Home demonstrate how urban agriculture is reconnecting people to their communities and the earth, and revitalizing Chicago.  

To see other videos of success stories, go to:


Video: Biofuels High 

See how students at the Automotive High School in Brooklyn, NY, are becoming a a part of the green revolution, changing their cars to run off of cooking oil taken from their own school cafeteria.



Job Seekers

Here at Green For All, we get over a thousand calls each month from people like you who are looking to find green-collar jobs, or hire green-collar workers.

We've set up this page to help you make those connections. You'll find two sections of resources - one for green-collar job postings, and one for green-collar jobs training.  Best of luck with your search!


Green-collar Jobs to Watch Out For
Learn what makes a green collar job green, why they're good not just for the planet but people too, and what new jobs to be on the look-out for.


Best Jobs in America's Green Movement

Of President Obama's recent stimulus package, $40 billion will be spent on the creation of "green jobs."  Get a head start and see what some of the best green careers will be and how you can train for them with a two-year degree.  


Green Jobs Guidebook
Find profiles of 200 green jobs currently in California, details on 45 job types requiring only a high school degree, many paying over $25 per hour, information on job training and placement programs, and listings of valuable apprenticeship programs.


Job Training and Service Programs Providers

Green For All Community of Practice
Green For All has launched two Communities of Practice, connecting people who are working on programs and policies to create green-collar jobs.  The two Communities of Practice are dedicated to green jobs training programs and city-scale energy efficiency retrofit programs.


Green Service
Service in all of its forms from full-time, from full-time, stipended service to service-learning in schools, to 55+ community involvement, can educate and involve people of all backgrounds in fighting climate change and building the new green economy. See examples of people using green service to create pathways out of poverty.


Jobs of the Rising Sun Video

Green For All allies Rising Sun Energy Center put together this great video for Current TV to show everyone how their program hires young people to lead energy efficiency in homes and get job experience at the same time.



Moontown Foundation Video

Learn more about Moontown's Switch Project, an energy efficiency green jobs program in Seattle.

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