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Don't Derail Transportation Jobs

Huffington Post

Today in a blog on the Huffington Post Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins calls on Congress to pass a transportation bill that will put Americans back to work now.

Today in a blog on the Huffington Post, Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, calls on Congress to pass a transportation bill that will put Americans back to work now.

As we rebuild and repair our transportation system, we need to make sure that all Americans have access to the jobs that are created. That's why Green for All has designed a program that creates pathways to the middle class by helping people gain valuable construction training and experience. By encouraging the hiring of local workers for transportation projects, the Construction Careers Demonstration Program keeps dollars close to home and helps revitalize communities. It also helps rebuild the middle class by creating pathways to good careers. Apprenticeships give new workers a foothold in the industry and a chance to learn new skills. The program also creates opportunities for Americans that need them most -- including young people, veterans and homemakers re-entering the workforce.

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