Greener Pathways: Jobs and Workforce Development in the Clean Energy Economy

Across the country—in the media; in boardrooms, think tanks, and community organizations; in local and state government; in Congress and on the campaign trail—people are talking about the economic promise of clean energy. Greener Pathways: Jobs and Workforce Development in the Clean Energy Economy puts jobs at the heart of this animated national conversation. This report talks about the kind and quality of jobs in the clean energy economy; the skills needed to fill these jobs; and how existing businesses and their workers—especially those in the beleaguered industrial heartland—can move to the center of the clean energy economy.

Greener Pathways details current economic and workforce development opportunities in three leading industries: energy efficiency, wind, and biofuels. The report also examines federal resources that can support state green jobs initiatives, and concludes by outlining a plan of action for state policymakers.

Greener Pathways: Jobs and Workforce Development in the Clean Energy Economy. By Sarah White and Jason Walsh. Center on Wisconsin Strategy, The Workforce Alliance, The Apollo Alliance. 2008.

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