Van Jones and GFA National Director Michelle Romero Break Down Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

Right-wing media outlets seem to be waging a coordinated campaign to portray US Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a dimwit radical. Their efforts will backfire. She is in fact championing the smartest, most practical idea in US politics to address two urgent problems: climate change and poverty.

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Green For All Supports the Green New Deal

Yesterday, hundreds of people showed up, and thousands more tuned in online, to listen to the Climate Townhall co-hosted by Senator Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, Bill McKibben, and Hollywood actress Shailene Woodley. It’s real. It’s happening. And it’s happening right now, where you live.

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Green For All Supports Local Leaders at Launch of Electric Ride Share Program in Rural Community

Many people living in Huron do not have access to a car. And to reach medical or social service appointments, they have to somehow get to Fresno, which is about fifty miles away. That’s an hour’s drive in a car–or a three- to four-hour trip on a bus.

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Climate is Costing Californians Too Damn Much

I stayed up last night shopping for an air filtration mask for my 3-year-old because we’re experiencing hazardous air quality here in Sacramento, CA.

California is on fire, and there’s nowhere to escape for a breath of fresh air. The Camp Fire is reportedly the deadliest wildfire in the United States in a century.

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Van Jones, Macklemore, and Michelle Romero Teamed Up With the Yes on 1631 Campaign to Organize a ‘Get Out the Vote’ Training at University of Washington

SEATTLE -- On Wednesday, October 10th, Green For All organized a “Get Out The Vote” training for Yes on 1631 at the University of Washington, in coordination and collaboration with the Yes on 1631 campaign and UAW 4121 Climate Justice Workgroup.

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Green For All National Director Michelle Romero on Green Solutions for a Clean Energy Economy on Political Climate

In this episode of Political Climate, hosts speak to experts at the clean economy group Green for All, the conservative think tank R Street Institute, and the policy firm Energy Innovation about the policies they believe are necessary — and politically feasible — to implement.

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Register to Vote

Midterm elections matter!

This November, you have the power to elect representatives at all levels of government to represent the issues you care about. Several states also have important ballot measures on the ballot that may impact your life.

Register to vote here with Green For All. Even if you're already registered to vote at your current address, sign up with us to receive election reminders, polling location information, or to request an absentee ballot.


Don't delay! Voter registration deadlines in some states can be as many as 30 days before Election Day.



Green For All Speaks to ABC News in Fresno on fuel efficiency and emissions rollbacks

The Trump Administration's efforts to stop California from imposing its own air pollution standards for cars and trucks got a negative reception in Fresno.

The EPA held the first of three nationwide hearings on the plan to strip states of their power to set emission standards and to roll back the gas mileage requirements for new cars. The EPA is getting input on their plan called SAFE for Safer, Affordable Fuel Efficient vehicles.

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Green For All Mobilizes Central Valley Residents to Speak Out for Clean Air, Clean Cars

Dozens of Central Valley residents put off work and other commitments to testify Monday at the U.S. EPA hearing on the “Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule”, a proposal put forth by the Trump Administration to weaken clean car standards (despite the misleading name).

The Latino community in particular, turned out in force to reject the Trump Administration’s clean car rollbacks. Testimony after testimony, residents spoke of the ongoing contamination and pollution they see in their communities: pesticides, water contamination, air pollution, asbestos. Rolling back the Clean Car Standards, they say, would further put their health at risk.

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[En Español] Festival ambientalista promueve el voto boricua y de las minorías

La organización Dream Corps afirma que el cambio climático ha provocado que huracanes como María, Irma, Sandy, Katrina y otros sean más frecuentes y más violentos. Los ciclones “pueden limpiar comunidades enteras en Florida y Puerto Rico”, aseguró a La Prensa Michelle Romero, directora de la campaña ‘Green For All’ de DreamCorps, una organización nacional que en alianza con grupos locales de la Florida Central impulsa una iniciativa para motivar el voto puertorriqueño y el de la “gente de color”.

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